I want to explain what has happened about the theft just in our - TopicsExpress


I want to explain what has happened about the theft just in our little neighborhood area this weekend. Hopefully it will make all of us in Marshall County more aware of how we can pull together to fight crime in the county with the support of each small town member. On Friday my neighbor and friends, Barry and Adi Hunt were burglarized. The thief went into the house around 1:00 p.m. and stayed around 11 minutes. Luckily Tabitha Shaver had seen the white Bronco out her window as it sat in their driveway. She remembered about the time it was there but had thought it was just a person doing maintenance for the Hunt family. There were drawers ransacked, things out of place and a large jewelry chest was taken during the theft. Heirloom jewelry and special pieces that Barry had given Adi over the years were all in the chest. We can all image the anger, fear, and disgust you feel when you realize your territory has been invaded by a complete stranger. It made me angry. Angry that my friends were upset. Angry that their kids were scared. Angry that my neighborhood was targeted! Immediately I went to trying to find the exact time on our security cameras that this creep had passed my house and went into Barry and Adis driveway. It took about two hours to find it and pinpoint exact times but it was well worth it! Alana Burks, Adis sister, and I took screen shots of it from our TV and immediately posted it on Facebook and Instagram. We tagged each other and many others in the pictures and started asking everyone to share them. Sitings of this truck started coming in to all of us quickly. Saturday came and My neighbor, Kamesha Brown Jones, was then able to locate the vehicle on her security cameras. Her shots proved to be much clearer because she is at the end of the street where you have to stop or slow to turn. By then we had already heard a name of who it may be. Pictures were sent to us of a man next to his Bronco that probably were on his Facebook page. A guy that went to Guntersville to school, went to JSU to college and was currently dating an Albertville teacher was our suspect. I looked him up on Facebook and found him and who he dated. I instant messages the girlfriend and sent her the photos of his vehicle and asked her if it was her boyfriend. I told her that we had been told it was him. I told her we were coming for him if he didnt bring the jewelry back. I told her if it was not him then he needed to clear his name with APD. She never would reply but finally did when I told her I sent her name to Arab Police. I then sent the the private message to the actual thief. I even posted a comparison of the thief next to his Bronco someone sent me and then posted the picture of the street shot we had. Since the thief had what seemed to be 50 tacky stickers and such on the vehicle, it was not hard to realize it was the same vehicle. After half of Arab had shared my pictures on Facebook I got a message from the thiefs aunt and uncle saying he lived with them and they have had stuff stolen too. I asked them if he was there. He was not but they said they had a standing jewelry box he had brought home in their house. He had made a big lie up of how he had gotten it. I told them I was coming to get the jewelry box. Then they called the police but Arab PD did not have a car to send out. I grabbed my clothes and told Maggie, my 15 year old, I was going to get Adis jewelry back. She grabbed her mace and went with me. I then called APD and told them I had found the jewelry box and was going to get it myself right then and gave them the address. I said they could send backup if they wanted to. I called Alana and Adi and left messages. My Brian was hunting so I called Mile Watkins to come back me up. I was going in. I stopped at one wrong house cause two men were outside. I asked them if they recognized the address. They pointed across the road. I told them they better lock their stuff up cause a thief lived across the street. I went across the street and went inside. There it was. Adis jewelry box, but the good jewelry was gone. After working together with neighbors and Facebook friends, the case was solved in pretty much 24 hours! Two police officers showed up. As we stood outside the thief drove by one of the officers took off running to his car. The officer chased him down and arrested him. Alana and I spent from about 3:30 till 6:00 p.m. stopping at every Pawn Shop open from Arab to Boaz asking if this man had pawned any of the jewelry there. We did get lucky at one place but the police will have to go with Adi to identify it before it can be released. Police departments just cant spend this much time on all this stuff with the few they have. By the time these thugs usually get caught none of the things stolen can be found. We have to work together to catch these crazy thugs. Yes, I was probably crazy for doing this. But guess what? Somebody has got to do it. Call me crazy all you want but my friend is gonna get some of her stuff back and they can sleep easy tonight cause the man that terrorized them is in jail! Stick together everyone and watch out for each other. Get security cameras and stay alert. We have a divine right to protect what is ours. Dont mess with my family, friends, neighborhood or town!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:54:10 +0000

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