I want to have an honest conversation....racial tolerance. This - TopicsExpress


I want to have an honest conversation....racial tolerance. This is a teachable moment. Im going to have a Samuel Jackson moment, from A time to kill. More specifically, Matthew McConaughey closing arguments - lets pretend this black child was your white child... -- would you accept this to happen? Many people are trying to spin the Michael Brown killing as not racial. Im cool with that, if you can show me a trend, pattern or any part in American history of any other group of people and their kids, getting stopped in the street after running away, and being shot in the head. But -lets remain open to interpretation of what constitutes as a threat to authority vs civilians. Can we have that conversation? I think its necessary. Lets pretend the individual making this video was Mr. Brown. Do you think the police would respond to him the same? Do you think someone from the hood could talk down to officers meaning no harm? Demean them? Put them in their place, as this author suggests? Is that the way whites get to talk to police? Is it for Blacks? And would police be equally as patient...or tolerant (Black or White) with Brown, if he had a camera & begain quoting 1st year poli sci statutes against authority? Take a second, think. And I get tired of saying this - but this isnt against police...but racist attitudes, no matter where they are coming from. Whatever capacity you maintain - if public safety is your job - when does that end? At someones color? Can anyone cite examples where Officers of color detained or shot someone Caucasian in the head...for running away with their hands in the air? Or simply, PERIOD? And when someone white HAS been shot by black officers, did the Black community pull together & rally support for this Black officer? Did they raise money to get the Black officer off? So the question is; is it at constitutional rights? Or racial intolerance? YOU decide.... could Michael Brown have pulled this off? I digress - discuss.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:48:41 +0000

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