I want to ignore it. I really do. But, this (below the === line) - TopicsExpress


I want to ignore it. I really do. But, this (below the === line) is what Joey has had to deal with the past 30 years. And myself, the past 2-3. If any of you 6,000+ fans can show me what I have done on this FB page to paint or taunt Mr. Matovina, please do so...and Ill issue an official retraction & apology. However, I know you will not find anything. He likes to twist things around to suit his position. In October 2013, dozens of people congratulated him on that (and another) page, for selling Baby Blue to Breaking Bad producers. Yet he never once corrected them by stating the truth (which claims so adamantly to be in pursuit of.) He had nothing to do with it, until being approached in the course of due diligence representing the Ham estates publishing rights. And for only that, he should be acknowledged. Its awesome that Petera and family can be supported financially via her fathers legacy, as well as Joey and the other estates for their performers royalties. While we issue NO threats here - just requests and pleas for peace and moving on with everyones lives (which falls on deaf ears over there, and just gets harshly criticized) - WE get threatened all the time on that page, and below is a great example...a copy & paste of a post from last week with no edits. This is truth. A letter for letter statement from someone who claims no ill will against Joey. Yeah, right. At least he finally admits it wasnt his idea....a year & 2 months after the fact. Now hes slinging his arrows my way. Merry Christmas to me. Thank goodness SONY was hacked....they have bigger problems to deal with these days. ~PD/admin =============================== Dan Matovina: To clarify on the point of Baby Blue in Breaking Bad - yes, the idea to use it was completely the main creator/producer Vince Gilligan, and he had resistance from others on that, but it worked out. Hes a great guy and Ive had further business dealing with him and various members of Sony dept.s. Their legal dept. came to me on the song, as I negotiate the deals after they would be initially proposed to the admin publisher that I brought onboard (BMG/Bug at that time). I worked out the figures and aspects for the different uses of it and the term lengths. I had been painted and taunted publicly by Joeys admin that I touted and pitched this song for that scene - a blatant lie to try and embarrass me. As I said before, this is the typical approach Joeys team takes - is to libel and slander. In fact, Ive been in discussions with about eight different people from Sonys legal departments about many business issues over the past few years and a number of them have show varying degrees of derision, disgust and humorous laughter about Joeys camp. But, not so funny to them are some of the intellectual property violations. They are not blind or stupid. They are on top of everything and take course of action when the time is right. Well see where that goes ...
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:51:51 +0000

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