I want to live in a borderless cosmopolitan democracy with global - TopicsExpress


I want to live in a borderless cosmopolitan democracy with global governance based on referendum and a resource-based economy focused on human security and environmental sustainability as proposed by Jacque Fresco in The Venus Project. thevenusproject I understand this will not be realized in my lifetime, but I wish our leaders on Capitol Hill would start talking about it on the House floor and that liberal media would highlight it daily. I believe all the resources of Earth are the common heritage of all its inhabitants. I no longer identify myself as a Caucasian American. Instead, we are all Homo Sapien Earthlings. Sovereignty and nationalism are counterintuitive and counterproductive. Division cannot unite. Borders are social constructions. They create insiders (good) and outsiders (bad). They perpetuate mass incarceration and mass deportation. They create refugees (stateless people) who are reduced to bare life. Nationalism and sovereignty are social constructions which exist only to build/maintain armies in order to control/misallocate resources. The Westphalian nation-state system is primitive, greedy, and cruel. Every human being is born naked and helpless. Each requires shelter, clothing, safe food, potable water, clean air, and healthcare to survive; education and transportation to survive. The problem is that Jacque Fresco wont utilize the government system to create this utopia. His distrust of politicians may be his downfall. Even if every person in the United States supported The Venus Project and wanted to implement a resource-based economy tomorrow, they would have to vote for it. Such a drastic change in economic and political systems would require congressional approval and the initial implementation would have to be expedited by/through government institutions. Even if we wanted anarchy, we would have to vote for it. ;) :P Thats why I want to be the liaison between TVP and Congress, even though Fresco doesnt want one. lol I dont see how it can become a reality, or any progress for that matter, without utilizing the current system. I will admit that even though I fully participated in Occupy Fort Myers (spent hours making signs and even more holding them), I did retreat when the cops started handing out tickets. lol But hey, peaceful protests are more effective. The truth is that, from 1900 to 2006, major nonviolent resistance campaigns seeking to overthrow dictatorships, throw out foreign occupations, or achieve self-determination were more than twice as successful as violent insurgencies seeking the same goals. The reason for this is that nonviolent campaigns typically appeal to a much broader and diverse constituency than violent insurgencies. For one thing, the bar to action is lower: Potential recruits to the resistance need to overcome fear, but not their moral qualms about using violence against others. Civil resistance offers a variety of lower-risk tactics -- stay-aways (where people vacate typically populated areas), boycotts, and go-slows (where people move at half-pace at work and in the streets) -- that encourage people to participate without making enormous personal sacrifices. foreignpolicy/articles/2011/08/24/think_again_nonviolent_resistance Oh, that works so well: some people need encouragement to participate without making enormous personal sacrifices *cough* The more they participate, the more invested they may become and subsequently more likely to make sacrifices in order to achieve the desired outcome.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:28:24 +0000

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