I want to make a better electioneering leaflet, i am thinking of - TopicsExpress


I want to make a better electioneering leaflet, i am thinking of having the following text on one side and the meme below on the other side. Can someone tidy this text up for me or have a go at shortening it a little, i want it to fit on a A5 Text Imagine if you can, that instead of organizing society around monetary units, we organize our society by the resources available to us. Much of human resources are used up within the monetary industry, the banking sector, advertising, insurance, accounting, sales, lawyers and a host of others. At the time of writing this 2014, industrial and technical experts believe that up to 80% of workers can be replaced by automation, if it wasnt for labour and unemployment concerns. Perhaps we should step back a little and review our lives, our purpose here? Is it slave away at jobs that many of us are not happy doing, trying to earn and save a buck while pretending our life style is not trashing the environment, or that our countries wealth is not dependent on some other countries poverty? When in fact, we could be enjoying a high tech, ethical and sustainable life style, working just a fraction of what we do now, and using a fraction of the energy we use now. Could it really happen? Yes, but as long as we are misinformed and ignorant of our nature it won’t happen, and as long as we rely on big business and their political representatives, whose main concern is to protect their own privileged interests, it won’t happen You see human behaviour depends very much on our social environment. If you were born into some South American tribes and were a head hunter , you would think collecting and shrinking peoples heads as normal, and if someone asked you what you thought about head hunting you might say “terrible I only have 6 shrunken heads but my cousin has 32”. If the society we are born in is all we know then we accept the behaviours as normal. Different social norms create and encourage different social behaviour. In our society for example greed and selfishness are encouraged, we actually reward greed. The fear of material insecurity losing our job our homes encourage us to put our selves first, and morality and ethics become second place to increasing our bank balance. We are asking you to take a few hours out, forget about political differences, and do some independent investigation about human behaviour and about the monetary system that we all take for granted. We can start you off by recommending a few you tube videos, but then please find out more, don’t take our word for it. Recommend watching…. Why hierarchy creates a destructive force within the human psyche. Will Work For Free. This shits got to go! - Jacque Fresco .Money As Debt.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:20:51 +0000

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