I want to reach out and thank each of you that have stood by my - TopicsExpress


I want to reach out and thank each of you that have stood by my side during the good and bad. I did a LOT of growing up in 9 months thats for sure. Once I got that positive pregnancy test I knew I HAD to change but I also knew I now had a reason and will to fight! When I say my daughter has actually given me life, I mean it. I truly found myself again. I lost who I was as a teen and I put my friends and family through pure hell for a long time. Almost 10 years of it. I honestly didnt know who I was anymore, I felt like I had no reason to go on. On August 2, 2013 I found my purpose with a little pee on a stick. For months I could feel my reason growing inside of me. As of 3/31/14 all I have to do is look in my daughters eyes and i can see my entire future. I pray and know I will do my best to give her life meaning. Afterall, she saved me from a deep dark path. Through this pregnancy I have lost and gained friends as well as family. Im thankful to have my aunt Rhonda Phillips in my life as she has been such a huge support. I couldnt ask for a better aunt. My mom Deneene Rice and I may fight and argue but when push comes to shove we are always there for each other. Being a mom myself now I understand things a little better. I know she has always wanted the best for me and she did her best. She didnt have help from my father, she struggled and together we have conquered! Honestly I am so grateful for each of you. Im glad so many people have seen the change in me and not held my past against me. Thats not always easy to do. For each of you I have wronged, I am sorry but thank you for not giving up on me.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:23:53 +0000

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