I want to say something and I will try be brief. In regards to a - TopicsExpress


I want to say something and I will try be brief. In regards to a earlier post from this weekend I have had many people message me and say that I am a bigot a redneck.. Simple minded or close minded.. Those statements about my character are completely inaccurate . Im sorry but as much as it is someones right to protest against my faith it is as equally my right to Stand firm in it.. Please note I said I will Stand firm in it I am not here to try to convert you... Condemn you or say that your beliefs are inferior to mine. And never did I say that in anything I have ever posted... I personally believe that the greatest power a human being can have is knowledge and unfortunately most people are not educated on historic events, culture and the origins of which specific traditions come from. I believe in the Christian faith. And I am learning to be a better person every day.. I am proud of that. And I celebrate Christmas like most Americans even though a Christmas tree, stockings, and all of that really has nothing at all to do with Christianity .. I do it because I have 4 nieces and doing that makes them happy and helps them to remember the birth of Christ! Fact... these traditions of decorating a tree and using greenery within the homes actually is a pagan tradition of celebrating winter solstice .. Does that make me a bad Christian?? No! I have 2 trees up in my home and I enjoy them because it reminds me of my childhood, and helps me to remember all the Christmas days Ive spent with loved ones. historically no it doesnt have a thing to do with the birth of Christ but I will celebrate it anyway! What everyone should take a moment to acknowledge is that this holiday ( I call it Christmas) is something of a multicultural celebration to begin with, combining the celebrations of the ancient Druids, the Norsemen of Scandinavia and the ancient Romans, and , the Christian Church which adopted many of these traditions.. But with an emphasis on the birth of Christ (which actually happened during harvest in Judaea ) if you read the bible and understand the time frame of when the Romans took census and registered taxes.. I encourage people to be more educated ! But even so I celebrate it as anyone else would.. For the love of my faith and family ! And however you decide to celebrate is your business and your right as an American to do so! With that said I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and I hope that peace will find you all in the coming new year
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:28:22 +0000

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