I want to say to everyone that I appreciate all the conversations - TopicsExpress


I want to say to everyone that I appreciate all the conversations on my (political) facebook posts. It’s great dialogue, and frankly, is something we need more of in this country to solve our indifferences and the issues we face. I’ve been criticized for making the posts and responding at times. All I will say to that is; I’m a human being, just like everyone else. I have my principles, beliefs and ideology. I also share my beliefs in how I was raised (by 2 great parents by the way). I’m not going to change my principles because a few disagree with me. And I’ll challenge the opposing view, as you should to me. That’s what it’s all about, and if (unfortunately) I’m not re-elected because of those principles, well, then that’s just the way it is. I can live with losing knowing I stood up for what I believed was right, rather than changing to fit the popular political beliefs of the day. I guess I’m an old school public servant in that regard, rather than a politician! Social media has changed the way we communicate, especially for my generation. So I’m going to utilize it as best I can, to discuss issues one-on-one, to debate policy, and hopefully to ultimately solve our indifferences and the issues we face. I wasn’t raised to sit on the sidelines and watch the world change around me. “Every day you have a choice. You can accept things the way they are, or you can take responsibility for changing them.” I choose the latter. Thanks again everyone! Keep the conversations going! And remember, contact me anytime. -JN
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 13:42:10 +0000

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