I want to see a free world. I want to be apart of creating a world - TopicsExpress


I want to see a free world. I want to be apart of creating a world were we no longer need to survive to live. We could come together as one mass entity to go off grid and be self sustaining. It would spread like wild fire and the ones that control everything would become obsolete. Would you want to be a part of making the world a free place. A place where only 10 percent of the population would need to work not to survive but do it because its the passion in their hearts. Where work will no longer be work because you wont depend on it for your survival. Where everything you could ever need would be free and abundant. And where the frivolous things you want will be shared. Where the items in your home are made to last longer then 10 years. Where all knowledge and education is free and always at the tip of your fingers. A place where everyone has a vote and a choice on what happens in the area and world you live in. Where we arent treated like a business to suck dry. A place that will encourage humans potential and advancements in technology rather then hording it to one person to make all the profit. I see a free world for our future and I see the path to get there. We can make this awful system we live in obsolete. We can prosper and remove so many crimes from this world if it became free. People would be much less disturbed in a world that doesnt make you have to survive. We could be free. How bad do you want it? Feel free to like and share. Matt McMahon
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:33:27 +0000

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