I want to share a real personal story, might be too deep for - TopicsExpress


I want to share a real personal story, might be too deep for Facebook. Maybe I will take it off later. Idk. This is a real true story. And Im not weird its an honest account of something I went through. My girl Britt lived in apt, she had to climb 2 fights of stairs to get to her apt. That day, after we got to the top, she didnt look well. Around her mouth she looked greyish bluish. She was breathless. I became very concerned and asked her to go to the hospital to get checked out. Eventually she did. She got checked out X-rays and the whole thing. Next thing she phns me and asks me to come. Its serious she said. I went and we found out, they were concerned and they were ordering new test. They found a spot on her lung! I knew what that meant, I pretended to Britt that I wasnt scared. I went blank. I knew what that meant. I told britt I would go home and wait for the other results. She was upset she wanted Alvin by her side. I got to my car and cried and cried and cried. I phnd Farrah and told her, thats how it starts. My dad passed away from lung cancer. I drove off, I was crying so hard, I had to pull over the tears were clouding my vision. I phnd my mom and I cried. I phnd my sister and cried. I told Guy we have a hard road ahead of us. And I cried so much. 3 in the morning I was still crying, my eyes were swollen. I was up all night. Crying. My baby. Shes too young. Then I got down on my knees and prayed. Only then. I talked to God and I said, whatever you decide to do I accept it. Its in your hands and I accept it. I wont hate you. I accept it. Whatever you have to do. I accept it. I fell asleep. When I woke up, Britt was calling me on the phn. She said Mom!!!! The specialist came and the main doctor came and they want to talk to me in private. Something is up, she said. So I told her, let me know right away. I said tell Alvin to stay with you. She said they want to see me in private. I said well let me know right away. So I made my way there. When I got there, she already had her meeting. They made a gross error. They accidentally made the wrong diagnosis. The person who made the diagnosis was in training. Or something like that. Thats why they wanted to see her alone. They apologized profusely. I cried again and said thank you to God. I wanted to be mad at the hospital, but I was too thankful and grateful. For me this was a life changing event.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:58:12 +0000

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