I want to share some thoughts about last nights election results, - TopicsExpress


I want to share some thoughts about last nights election results, which has us energized for whats ahead, but I think we should start from the beginning. At the outset of this race, we were told our side had no chance. That no matter how much organizing, no matter how much people power we could come up with, that there was no way we could overcome the big money backing our opponent, who enjoyed a 14 point lead in polls taken back in January. But then something changed. Our City started to respond to our message of fighting for affordability, standing up for housing justice, and making sure theres a place for working people in San Francisco. We had phone banks and precinct walks where dozens of people volunteered their time. You could feel the energy building. Thats when our opponents allies -- billionaire bullies who want access to power -- struck back. They started a smear campaign to scare off voters, exploiting the issue of domestic violence to discourage our supporters -- which was, in reality, a cynical effort to serve their own economic interests. So our opponent spent twice as much money, his billionaire allies took their best shot, but still, we managed to erase a double-digit gap and make up major ground as we head to the general election. We have a tough road ahead -- its always tough when you challenge the establishment -- and no doubt theres work to be done. Ive been inspired by how much the community has rallied around our campaign, but its clear that we need to step up if were going to win in November. If you havent had the chance to volunteer, you can sign up here: davidcampossf/volunteer Thank you to all those who supported our campaign through the primary, and to the voters who cast their ballot yesterday. Lets keep building, and carrying forward our fight for San Francisco. Sí se puede!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 23:04:30 +0000

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