I want to share something with you all about how I feel but first - TopicsExpress


I want to share something with you all about how I feel but first let me tell you how much I love you. I appreciate those who have/show a love for the brethren and I appreciate those who show a love for those who do not claim a love for Yeshua let along walk with any faith at all. There are so very many scriptures that we can use here about how I feel, I will politely share these in response to any that may be contrary to my beliefs... I do not need anyone to teach me as I trust that His Holy Spirit leads me into all truths. He promised never to forsake me. I trust that He who began a good work in me is crazy about me and He is faithful to complete it! No one is good, no not one, all have gone astray, no one ever wanted Him, thanks be to Him who is faithful, His grace is sufficient for me. I will choose to celebrate that what I have come to know as a celebration that is set apart for us who are called...namely the feasts, covenants and that which is beneficial, as I am learning about them. I will not fret if I do not have it perfect but I trust this perfection will be completed when I see Him face to face. I choose to not answer those who mock, are sarcastic, ridicule my differences as this does not become me and only would make me a fool. I celebrate your revelations, those may be very different than mine, nevertheless, I rejoice in the saving knowledge that Yeshua is Lord. May His name be forever praised. My hope is found in nothing less than His blood that was so richly lavished to us all who live desperate in this mystery revealed...namely, Christ in you the hope of glory. I remain in the exposure and transparency before Him and the watching world that my hypocrisies are exposed and my obedience rises beyond ignorance as I continue to die to self. Let us lock arms in the grace that binds us in unity, in one Yah, One faith, one Savior, One Holy SPirit! Very truly, Lora
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:40:54 +0000

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