I want to share the following. All of you know how important of a - TopicsExpress


I want to share the following. All of you know how important of a person my Dad was to me & how his death impacted my life. I guess it wasnt just my life that his life & death impacted. The following is what my daughter wrote for her CP English Class. You may want to grab a tissue. Justina Susan Scott Ms. Tison CP English 10 - Fall 2014 15 September 2014 Justina’s Important Event The most important event in my life would probably have to be when my grandpa died. This was definitely a low point in my life, but also a turning point. My life has changed completely since he’s died. He died suddenly February 18, 2010 at his house out in Harco from a pulmonary embolism. His name was Robert C. DeBose, even though we all called him Papa ‘Bose and most people knew him as “Bub”, was 51 years old. He was a Boilermaker, just like my daddy.. but on his off seasons ( I guess that’s what you’d call them, it’s when not much work is going on) he would go junkin’ and all that stuff, which is what he was doing the day he died so he could go to my basketball game that night. The day he died was the day my whole life had changed. I remember it like it was just yesterday. We were riding the bus home, I finally got to bring a friend over to our new house, she was on my basketball team and was gonna ride with us to the game that night..so she was with my brothers and I too when we got off the bus. I knew something was wrong right away, because there were a lot of cars at my house, and that never happens unless it was a holiday. So we got off the bus and went inside, my Grandma Faye, my Aunt Tina, and my Grandma Jackie were all there and you could tell something had happened because everyone was so quiet and my Grandma Faye was crying, my heart was beating so fast and it felt like my stomach had dropped. That’s when I saw my parents..and I knew something happened..My daddy never cries and you could tell he had been. They took us out to the garage to have some privacy and left Brooklyn inside with the family. When we got out there, they told us our grandpa ‘Bose had died, there was a mattress inside the door up against the wall and I remember backing all the way up to it and just sliding down to my hiney...I couldn’t wrap my head around what they were saying..but it still hit me hard. I remember looking around and all 3 of my brothers crying. I didn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe it. I just saw him the night before after my game against Harrisburg.. He told me he’d be at my game that night. I broke down, and I shut down. That was MY grandpa...He was the only one who really liked me, and included me. I practically lived at his house during the summer and on the weekends. He always brought us the little chocolate milk bottles from Farm Fresh, he only brought them to us 4 too, never my Aunt’s kids. He was ours, and my Grandma was theirs. He was at every single one of my Basketball games, never missed one unless he really had to. He was who gave me motivation to play, because it made him proud and that’s all I ever wanted to do. So that night, even though I had just found out he died, I still sucked it up (or tried to) and went to my game. I didn’t last long though, because when I got there, my amazing basketball team heard about the death and they had a moment of silence for my Grandpa and my family. That made me break again, but I still tried.. I really did. I went out onto the court and started to warm up. I know this next part is gonna sound really crazy and weird..but I swear I felt my grandpa’s hand on my shoulder… I know I did.. and that freaked me out and made me bawl...So I ran off the court into the bleachers and told my momma and daddy I wanted to go home, and that’s exactly where they took me. The funeral was mostly a blur. I was so numb from crying so much and being so hurt that I wasn’t even really there. I read a poem at my grandpa’s funeral, and when I got up there.. there were so many people at his funeral...All of the seats were taken, and there were so many people still standing that some even had to go into the hallway, and let me tell ya..John Poore’s isn’t a small funeral home. That made me the proudest granddaughter in the whole world, but it also made it a lot harder to read my poem without crying.. but I did it. When I looked up from reading my poem, I seen people that weren’t crying before I read it, crying..which made me cry more. The rest was a blur again, just a bunch of people saying they’re sorry for my loss, or complimenting my poem.. I didn’t mean to be kind of rude...it’s just I hate that part of funerals. Then we rode out to the cemetery, and all I remember from that was those god awful gun shots. Every single time one went off, it felt like they were shooting me..it was one of the worst parts of the funeral. I didn’t go to school for a good 2 weeks after he had died..I didn’t really do anything, my momma was wrecked too.. that made stuff even worse. This was a turning point in my life because after he died, my family started to fall apart. No more huge grill outs, no more celebrating holidays with the whole family, nothing like that really happens anymore. I don’t stay anywhere now, because that’s the only place I ever stayed. Basketball got less and less interesting because I didn’t have him out in the bleachers watching and yelling at me. I barely see any of my family now, unless it’s been at another funeral. Everything just went downhill, and it’s still like that today. My grandpa’s death turned everyone’s life around. This was a really important event to me not only because he was my grandpa, he was also my hero. He helped me become the person I am today. I have his attitude sometimes, I get most of my manners from him, I try to be just like him. When people ask me what I wanna be when I grow up, I really don’t have an answer for them.. Because they’re asking an occupation...and well...I just wanna be my grandpa when I grow up. I want to be respected like him and have loyal friends like him. I wanna be a hard worker and earn everything I got like he did. I’m gonna be my grandpa when I grow up, not a lawyer or some stupid city person. I’m going to live here in this little small town and be just like him… Other then I’m gonna open up my own burger joint and call it “Bubs” in honor of him. So this life event is important to me because he’s important to me and it’s made me decide what I’m gonna do and who I’m going to be. I wanted to include the poem I read for my grandpa, I don’t really know why..I guess just because I love it.. it reminds me a lot of me and my grandpa when I read it! :) Beautiful blue eyes with serenity of the sea, Reflection of the skies on a bright and sunny day, My little hand in yours, my protector and my guide, Dont walk too fast, Granddad, for I am by your side. Big strong shoulders not just to carry me but to carry the world too, The strength inside of you for all you went through, The peace you gave me knowing you would always love me, And the kindness and happiness you gave me and I gave you No fear do you have or grudges do you hold, my big strong hero So brave and so bold, a firm hand to hold me, a firm word shows the way Your little girl forever its the way it will always stay. The bond that we have I have never seen or felt before My face would light up when you would walk through the door You tucked me in bed then turned off the light but I wasnt scared Of the shadows in the night For I knew it was you keeping watch over me, no harm and no badness Would you let me see, safe in your arms untouchable it seems After God took you away it was all in my dreams And all that is left is my memories of you I know you are with me and in my heart; Im with you too. Beautiful blue eyes with serenity of the sea, Reflection of the skys reflections of me, My little hand in yours, my protector and my guide, Dont walk too fast, Granddad, for I am by your side.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:34:48 +0000

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