I want to share the poem that led me to fall in love with my - TopicsExpress


I want to share the poem that led me to fall in love with my husband.... HYMN TO GAIA by Tom Williams When o’er your dreaming hills the dawning day ignites its fire, And on your seas the light’s caress awakens wind and spray, Your breath bids bud and branch push forth to echo your desire, And in a womb a heart begins your rhythmic hymn to play, The eye that opens upon itself, an eye that’s opened before, Seeks knowledge deep with each repeat, the better to adore. So Yes! Yes! to the beating heart, That echoes the surge of the sea, And sends blood’s course with primal force, Urged on by the will to be. And Yes! Yes! to the pulse that flows, The stream of life’s rebirth, The sacred flame intones your name, Oh Gaia, soul of the Earth. When out of seed and spore and shoot and egg your song is raised, From lovers’ bliss your holy kiss awakens flesh anew, To search and feel, and to behold, and find a voice for praise, And then to sing beneath your sky one sacred hymn to you. A song of life begat from death that only life may give, Begins and ends with one refrain that heralds the ages - I’ll live! So Yes! Yes! to the song of life, Where all the voices are one, The pulse and beat that all repeat, What’s ended is begun. And Yes! Yes! to the quickening heart, That bids the darkness be spurned, A wild tattoo that shouts anew, Great Goddess, I have returned! You dance upon the spiral stair of chromosome and gene, Oh soft of eye and red of maw, you pare and prune the tree. In many forms I’ve sung your song, through many eyes I’ve seen, In many forms I’ll wake again, more fully yours to be. Many’s the dance I’ve danced with you, one round a pale, cold mask, The next a glow in a mother’s eye as into Earth I’m cast. So Yes! Yes! to the dance of death, Oh Kali, devour me whole, Take me home, consume my bones, And sing your song to my soul. And Yes! Yes! to the wheel of life, Oh Isis restore me anew. return my breath to laugh at death, And revel, oh Gaia, in you. When from your warm embrace I’m torn, in fields of stars to dwell, Your voice, a sigh on cosmic dust, calls after your lover "return," "Embrace my green and loam-filled breast, drink of my scented well, Ignite my fire with love’s desire, shout through my winds, `return,’" Then longing for my lover’s arms will call me back to you, And in a cloak of soil-born flesh I’ll swear my troth anew, And Yes! Yes! I will dance with you, and forsake the fields of stars, And plunge me deep in the Earth to keep, My vow to Lady and Lord, And Yes! Yes! I will live again, And ensoul the greening Earth, At my mother’s breast, In the hour of death, I pledge you my rebirth!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 01:28:39 +0000

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