I want to share this video and my remarks again. It has been 32 - TopicsExpress


I want to share this video and my remarks again. It has been 32 years since our prophet spoke this warning to the people of the world. This is important for all -all people on this earth. Our prophets have warned us down through the ages. President Benson said this in 1982. We have continually been warned. Are we listening? Or are we scoffing? Do we believe our Lord and Savior and the scriptures, or are we doubters? It is time to make up your mind which side you are on and prepare most carefully. You have the right to choose what you want, which is wonderful. You cannot choose the consequences. However, you can choose to love, serve and follow the Savior and reap His blessings by doing so. Since I posted this the first time in August of this year, many more signs of the last days are apparent and they are increasing in greater numbers and incidents each day and hour. President Gordon B. Hinckley (another prophet of God), in October General Conference 2001 (13 years ago), said the vision of Joel has been fulfilled - Joel Chapter 2: 27 - 32. It is very apparent that the Lord is sending information in the form of impressions, visions, visits, experiences of all kinds and other revelations to His children. Ive read several and heard personally of these happenings as those who experienced them shared what the Lord wanted His children to know and understand. I imagine there are many, who will read this, who have had promptings and impressions too. These revelations are not reserved for only prophets, bishops, stake presidents or others in leadership positions, they are given to anyone who desires more information - for God is no respecter of persons - Doctrine and Covenants 1: 35. I wont share all of them, but wanted to tell of the book A Greater Tomorrow: My Journey Beyond the Veil by author Julie Rowe - August 2014 (she was told to share with others nearly 10 years after her NDE). She has been given much information about what we should all expect in the near future and how we must prepare. She could only share what the Lord told her to share. Much of her experience was for her and her family only. She just wrote a 2nd book The Time is Now - October 2014. This book goes into greater detail, answers some questions that she has received from many since her first book, and emphasizes the urgency of making ourselves ready temporally and spiritually - NOW! DO NOT WAIT. We need to prepare quickly for the time is short for us to do so. She tells us to not fear, it is all in fulfillment of the scriptures and Heavenly Fathers Plan for His children - we are ALL His children - everyone who once lived, now lives, and who will yet live on this earth. He will be with us, but He is leaving the decision up to us - will we follow Him? He is sending information to any who will listen and then He tells them what to share and when to share it. He will not force, but only love, warn and invite us to listen and follow His servants, the prophets. It is up to each of us to decide whether we will listen to Him and put our trust in Him. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO LISTEN TO THIS INFO. You can find out more info on Julie Rowe at her website: julieroweprepare. She shares her books and 4 radio interviews where she answers questions and testifies of The Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Fathers Plan for His children. I was able to hear her speak a couple of weeks ago in Springville, UT. There may be many of you who have already read her book or books. You can find them at Deseret Book, Seagull Books, Amazon, and many other locations across America. I may receive some complaints or worse, from unbelievers, but I believe (according to Doctrine and Covenants 88: 81) that I must warn my neighbors (friends). So I am praying that those who read this will take it seriously and read the books and listen to the radio interviews. She is trying (just as many others have been asked to share their experiences) to get this information that the Lord has given to her and which He has told her to share, out to as many as possible. Please share with your family, friends and others too. God bless us all.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:49:18 +0000

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