I want to share with you this amazing letter written to Obama from - TopicsExpress


I want to share with you this amazing letter written to Obama from one of my friends Mark Cohen...Especially to the democrats who voted for Obama.. Dear Mr. President: I am a life long Democrat, supporter of Israel and a Jew. Never in my 58 years have I been as shaken to my soul as I am at reading this article. Your conduct, and that of Secretary Kerry have betrayed an important strategic ally, sought to aid and abet terrorists, and placed the hurt feelings of your enormous egos above the lives of millions of my people being attacked by missile fire, and by tunnels which were to be used to murder thousands and hold a nation, a people, and the world hostage on the holiest days on the Jewish calendar no less. You assume more power than your office possesses. You may wish to threaten Israel with the loss of American friendship and assistance, but our Congress, and the voters will NEVER permit it. I voted for you twice, Sen. Kerry once. I defended you, and thought you brave. Respectfully, as I do respect your office, you are weak, cowardly, and worse, an unreliable partner whom no ally can trust and no enemy can respect. Only a fool cannot learn the lessons of history and feel the winds of war blowing as a result of your actions, including your ill advised Arab Spring as well as your surrender of Iraq, leading to the rise of ISIS. I will be voting Republican in the coming elections. I will hate doing it, but there must be some check on your hubris and disregard of the law in funding Hamas, as well as political will to assert the force and power of the United States. I will be writing my senators to share these views with them, and will contribute to the Republican congressional campaign committee, sick as it will make me. You have made Jews in America feel insecure and threatened for the first time since the founding of our Republic. No more. I am ashamed to have supported you, and hope for a landslide Republican victory, not because I believe in them, but because of my lack of belief in you. America will be more secure at Noon, January 20, 2017, whoever succeeds you. Respectfully, a disillusioned, disheartened Democratic proud Jewish citizen of the United States of America voter, and proud supporter of Israel, who WILL remain Americas trusted friend and strategic ally, regardless of your threats!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 02:05:17 +0000

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