I want to start off by giving a Happy Birthday shout out to the - TopicsExpress


I want to start off by giving a Happy Birthday shout out to the sweetest, smartest, most beautiful little girl Ive ever known!!! I met this little angel in 2006 when she was only four years old. Its a day I will never forget. She was at my mother in law house being shy. She would look at me and run around smiling ear to ear with that beautiful curly hair of hers. Shes stole my heart right off the bat. Ive loved her ever since that day, still do, & always will! One year ago her dad & I had her a birthday party at our house. She had such an amazing time & so did we. I never for a second would have ever imagined that just a few months later that we would receive a call that would change our lives forever!! But unfortunately we did. I remember just like it was yesterday. I was preparing dinner & just put my Mac n cheese in the oven. I heard my husband in the bedroom on the phone like something was horribly wrong. We heard a little while earlier about a wreck, but didnt know who. I went into the bedroom & he said its Nasia & Gavin. I didnt even say another word. I turned dinner off, rushed the boys to their cousins, & rushed to the hospital. There were so many people there & all I can really remember was walking around grabbing my chest. We soon learned that she was going to be driven by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital. The weather wasnt good enough for life light.We gassed up and took off. It stormed the whole way. The drive there seemed like forever. The wait in the trauma waiting room also seemed like forever. The trauma surgeons & doctors finally came to us & explained some things, but it was so much to take in & so hard to grasp! They finally moved her to a room & we got to see her. I will never forget that moment either! Well to make a long story short. Dont take life for granted!!! Anasia done nothing to deserve anything that her precious body & mind has been through!!! She was as close to a perfect little girl as it gets. She has came a LONG way, But I am encouraging everyone to please never take life for granted. It doesnt matter how much money have or what you have bc it can all be taken away in the blink of an eye. Anasia is still fighting & improving & we are still praying for her recovery, but she never deserved any of this!!! Not one procedure. Not one surgery. Not any of it!!! She is an innocent child. I love her from the bottom of my heart!!!! I found this the other day while cleaning off the top of my refrigerator. It brought tears to my eyes! Her invitation from last year in her handwriting.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 04:37:21 +0000

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