I want to take the time to thank all of you here who sent me - TopicsExpress


I want to take the time to thank all of you here who sent me Birthday wishes yesterday. I still am appreciative although I am officially a member of the TMB Club! So many sent them to me, and I tried to thank each one of you with a message for each, however if I missed any of you I want to tell you now, THANK YOU! It has been said that a man is not measured by feet or inches, but by the number of friends he has!! That being said, I am probably one of the largest men on earth!! On another and very serious note, I must share once again the following quote, and proceed with more rhetoric following it: When even one American who has done nothing wrong is forced by fear to shut his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. --President Harry S. Truman-- Im looking beyond politics, and now it is personal!!! Yesterday, the U.S. Senate, spearheaded by 8 Democrats voted to block the confirmation of Debo Adegbile from the appointment as chief civil rights attorney for the U.S. Government due to his representing Abu-Jamal, the radical Black-Muslim who was convicted of murdering a Philadelphia Police Officer some years ago while executing his lawful duties as a peace officer. Abu-Jamal was given a life sentence without parole, and was very fortunate that he wasnt executed! At this point, any citizen would be totally correct by saying that everyone is entitled to legal representation for due process when accused of any crime, and that one is innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. This is the letter of the law, but wait...thats not the whole story. The rest is the spirit of the law!!... Debo Adegble used the race card when he claimed that his client (Abu-Jamal) did not receive fair treatment due to a biased jury selection. But read on...thats not all...he not only used his influence to claim this, but also did this for a personal profit! Also, being a law enforcement officer and supervisor, dont you think that this strikes a certain nerve with me?!! This makes a mockery of the justice system and leaves absolutely no regard for a family of a police officer who is without a husband and father! But furthermore, now the man who happens to occupy the office of President of the United States continues to be a cry baby when he doesnt get his way, and threatens to , you guessed it ...circumvent Congress and get Adegbile confirmed by recess appointment. I appeal to all of you fellow law enforcement officers...We need to be ALL OVER this one and not ever allow this to take place!! And if you are a judge with any sense, you should feel this way as well! The Senate has spoken, and it should stand as it is!! This President has broken numerous Constitutional principles, lied to the American people on just about everything, pulled us out of Iraq and the Taliban now hoists their flag where we had ours flying high when I was overseas, and appoints radical Islamists to advisory positions in the White House. In addition, he advocates cutting our defense budget to pre-World War II proportions even while we continue to have troops in Afghanistan, and at the same time remains completely clueless about the motives of Putin and the events in the Ukraine!! I guess all of that makes a good excuse for a round of golf! Being a retired military man, dont you think these things really strike a nerve with me along with many, many others who wore and continue to wear the uniform and defended our freedoms?!! And to top all of this, the mainstream media continues to drool all over him, giving him a pass on everything! America should never be a nation who is racially divided!! However, he is the one who continues to divide the nation in this light! He separates himself from and even abhors black minority leaders such as Alan West, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Allen Keys, Senator Tim Scott, Justice Clarence Thomas, and Herman Cain as well as other minority leaders such as Gov. Suzanna Martinez, Congressman Daryl Issa, Governor Bobby Jindall, and Senator Ted Cruz just to name a few who have the true vision for everyone in America!! Im sure that MLK, Jr. cries out from the portals of heaven! I applaud the Senate and the 8 Democrats who joined with the 55 GOP Senators in blocking the appointment of Debo Adegbile, but you who serve in Congress must act in preventing anymore acts of breaking the principles of our blood-bought Constitution, AND FURTHER INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE THE SCANDALOUS ACTS THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN COMMITTED by this administration. Mid-term elections will be in November, and I trust that many of you in the Congress wish to keep your jobs!! So get your you know whats in gear!! Some of you reading this may not agree, and that is your prerogative, but I hope that you truly wake up before you are swallowed up!! Curiosity killed the cat, but naivety and being too apathetic to know what is going on and to go vote has killed nations!! Consider this a memo!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:01:43 +0000

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