I want to take this moimment to Thank every man woman and child - TopicsExpress


I want to take this moimment to Thank every man woman and child that rallied around my home once more to welcome Brieana back to West 7th Street....SHOWING ALL THE LOVE....suddenly this house was once more filled with the laughter giggles gossip and happiness that hadnt BEEN 100% since the incident Mother;s Day.....aLL OF YOUR FRIENDSHIPS WAS SHOWN TODAY AND BELIEVE ME IT WAS DUELY NOTED IN MY HEART! aLL OF YOU ARE SO AWSOME AND TRUE ITS THE GREATEST FEELING TO KNOW WE ARE HONESTLY LOVED AND VALUED AS FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS....MUCH LOVE!.......BUT it saddens me to watch my grandchild go from I Love u mom mom and mommy...receiving hugs kisses and seeing a big smile to be afraid to even tell us good bye or i love you both...see you soon...nothing but a cold shoulder in front of ann bramble mike bramble or in front of her father van wilder. Irregardless of how much he hates myself or jessica....the honest truth is we all love her....and she shouldnt be afraid or ashamed or embarrassed to show us love in front of them....boy it sickens me to see how their hate is effecting her....hate is a terrible thing.,...i was so excited to tell her about the puppies but again i spy with my little eye using fiction names or cowardly friends has allowed them to share before us....but you know...miss nichols or whoever you are or by thru whomever you are peeking thru...i will continue to keep my post very public as i do my pictures...bcause im doing nothing...not zip...notta zero thing to be ashamed of...so keep using whatever means u need to i spy with your little curious eyes to see whayt we are doing...in fact here is something that may help you...i never pull my mini blinds down....my life is an open book....park across the street watch me....i dont care....there is more substancew to my life then spending every second watching either of you or even to take timew from my life to ask about you either of you...there is only one thing that ties the hands that bind us and that is brieana.....your fight isnt fear of us hurting her or bouncing with her...your fight is simply so you can say you won...i love her...her mother loves her her siblings love her...ours isnt to have bragging rights of winning...its all about loving her seeing her having her as a part of our lives uninterupted by petty medaling and dictating....we are a happy family....and we have love....your family is held simply by cheap glue nothing more.....no degree in the world can stop either of you from being ignorant lying wanna bes.....we may of been human and made mistakes but we own them...not you all...from burning trailers in a low budget trailer park to hagerstown prison to chapter what was that...ummmm.....bankrupcy.....i am who i am....never fake...unlike yall...im proud to be me....while you guys are busy opening up me....you left the door unlocked to your closet and all your dirty hidden little skeltons are running awqay to be seen by the world...at least my daddy never tried to burn me up...and my momma never had to visit me in prison....and thats fact....and u worry about me...while you spent the last 10 years pulling me apart in court telling lies...you hould of been tending your family situations...i owe knowone and never hid behind a legal method to try and get myself out of trouble...i was very frugle in my spending.,.....i may be poor..i may alot of things but im not a f@#$%^g LIAR!!!!!! I swore on that Bible and was TRUTHFUL....REALLY>>>>VAN WILDER...the truth will one day slap you in the face when she sees you...all of you....and realizes the horrible lies you fed her...id be afraid.....it could one day cost you the one thing i value and thatr is her love my families love...seems like a huge risk if you ask me....to lie and loose ten 15 20 years later...neither of my family members is worth loosing ...over anythig to me...mark my words...and i promise ill never tell her a vicious word one about you van wilder...she will find out learn on her own.....and she will be very disappointed to learn....learn many things...like ruining or trying to ruin the relationships she had with us...the day will come....yours is not the first parent to win by court but to later loose by deceit....doesnt seem worth the risk to me....id rather share a life long relationship based on love and respect...but live and lear......night qall...i love you ALL VERY MUCH AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE VERY WONderful Day!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 00:35:41 +0000

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