I want to take this opportunity to offer a public apology to - TopicsExpress


I want to take this opportunity to offer a public apology to United Consumer Financial Services for a post that I made a few weeks ago while in a peak emotional state. My words were harsh, judgmental, spontaneous and unfair. In truth United Consumer is the company that guided and trained me in the financing game and I have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in overages over the years to include a $80,000.00 lump sum when I left Kirby for a short period and they diligently continued to service my account even when I wasnt active . They have been great partners in my success ofer the years and I am embarrassed to have treated them in this way. The magnitude of my mistake became evident this weekend as I fellowshipped with my peers at our world conference and so many people had seen or herd about this post, people that hold me in high regard and respect my word. Let me be clear . I was wrong for publicly posting an emotional charged statement and my post was not representative of the service the company has provided for me over the years nor was it fair to the hard working, loyal, moral staff at United Consumer and I wish them well and offer my most sincere apology. Thank you
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:36:34 +0000

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