I want to talk about this trend where people post pictures of - TopicsExpress


I want to talk about this trend where people post pictures of girls with cancer and talk about how beautiful they are. They usually accompany another picture of a girl with long hair and makeup, etc; and the caption that the other girl is not really beautiful. Let’s get something straight: you are lying. You do not truly find the girl with cancer to be more beautiful 9/10 of the time because you are not aspiring to look like the girl with cancer. You feel bad for the girl with cancer, you pity her, and you think it makes you look like a good human being if you say that she is super beautiful. And at the same time, you continue to try to make yourself look more like the other girl. People with cancer don’t want your pity party most of the time. They usually don’t like it if you’re a stranger who knows nothing about them and yet wants to tell them how strong and brave they are for fighting off their cancer; they’re just dealing with their disease and their life as best as they can, and unless you know them personally, you should just let them go on their way and stop embarrassing them with overly-zealous compliments on their character and appearance that you either do not or can not mean. If we’re going to pity people and think it’s okay to make up for that by saying things that we don’t mean, then why aren’t you telling people with heart disease or diabetes that they are “so beautiful and strong” ? I’m not saying it isn’t good to support those with disease. I think it’s great. But don’t say things you don’t mean out of pity, and don’t comment on the character of someone you’ve never met. You’re probably just making them feel worse in the end....!!! :) _/\_
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:01:49 +0000

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