I want to thank Tina, LeeAnn, Cara, Dawn, Ken, Dustin and Kelly - TopicsExpress


I want to thank Tina, LeeAnn, Cara, Dawn, Ken, Dustin and Kelly for their support and for speaking up with me last night at the Manatee County School Board Meeting. That was my first time attending a School Board Meeting. The only thing missing from the circus was popcorn and cotton candy. Together we were a presence and made a statement and I had the opportunity to look our Superintendent in the eyes and state that the overreaching of his offices authority has to stop. I prepared a proposed resolution for the Board to adopt outlining recess and physical education requirements in our schools. As expected, the Board did not adopt the resolution. If the Board were ever to adopt the resolution, the resolution would have to be included on a Board agenda and the public would have to be given and opportunity to comment. I drafted the resolution after considered thought, discussion and research. The Board directed Deputy Superintendent Dr. Greene to compile a report of how each principal is handling recess and physical education. I will be in attendance at the next Board meeting and will fill out comment cards to have the opportunity to discuss the same. I will also be in contact with Dr. Greene requesting such report prior to the next Board meeting. I have received some criticism that recess is not the important issue to be focused upon. I just want to clarify that I am aware the reduction in recess is part of the ripple effect to excessive assessments in our schools. I have pointed that out several times to members of our Board and some of my critics. Last night in my 2nd discussion, I asked the Board to step out of their comfort zone (just as all of us who were there to speak on recess did) and take action on assessments in our schools. I closed with reading David Greenfields post regarding Lee Countys striking down Lee Countys testing calendar. Since the meeting went to 1:05am and my 2nd discussion occurred sometime near midnight it was easy to share the news with the Board. The Manatee County School Board did not find Lee County compelling. For those parents who feel strongly on the assessment issue and/or the recess issue I urge you to make it a point to attend School Board Meetings. We, as parents, do not have sufficient representation at School Board Meetings. It was an enlightening (and frustrating) experience for me. It is clear to me that the Manatee County School District is disjunct, lacks leadership and professionalism. Watching Julie Aranibar, the Board Chair, snicker as the night went on and comment, in jest, that she had enough Sunshine Law problems (the Sunshine Law requires open governance and transparency of our governmental officials) was disturbing. Thanks for the support everyone gave (gives) me. I will keep you posted.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:36:35 +0000

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