I want to thank all of you who are wearing blue or even thinking - TopicsExpress


I want to thank all of you who are wearing blue or even thinking blue today on World Autism Day, a day where we bring awareness to autism, an epidemic of grand proportion. Your constant support makes us so proud and happy. One in 68 children today are affected by this disorder - my son, Christian, being one of them. Ive written about Christian in the past - all the good feelings he inspires, how sweet and funny and smart he is. But, as you surely know, its not all fun and games around here. This is hard to write but its necessary. Christian sometimes screams incessantly for no reason, wakes up three or four times a week in the middle of the night for hours and wont go back to sleep, can at times be difficult at school and will slap the teachers and aides, makes odd noises a lot of times, gets stuck in an obsessive compulsive circle of noise or action and cant get out of it until prompted, tries to run off sometimes scaring us into thinking we will lose him someday like others like him have been lost, tries to drink and eat others meals including those of strangers, doesnt fly well which has relegated us to car trips, has broken light fixtures and damaged furniture, needs help bathing and dressing. Theres lots more but Ill spare you. My purpose for writing this is not to inspire pity. We are not to be pitied. We are fortunate to have Christian and to have each other. We are fortunate to be able to provide for Christian and his brothers not only financially but, more importantly, emotionally. I wrote this so that you understand (unless you have your own version of Christian) how important it is to bring awareness to this disorder that is claiming more and more children every day and to push to find a cause and a cure. Autism has to be arrested somehow. Awareness followed by action is imperative.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:47:56 +0000

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