I want to thank everyone who advised me on my post about my wife - TopicsExpress


I want to thank everyone who advised me on my post about my wife of 4yrs disappearing with my little one for 6 months now. Your words gave me the extra strength and courage i wanted. I took a week off my work and concentrated on searching for my crazy wife. I went online and got a few tips on private investigation which i printed out and used as my guidance. I started from her last whereabouts which was Hass petrol station Banda where she was working as a cashier. The station manager told me when she quit her job she told him she is moving to Gulu. She called the next day with a private number mbu just to know how am doing. When i insisted to know where she is she told me she was transferred to Gulu. When i called back her station manager in Banda he told be Hass petroleum has no branch in Gulu. I went to the bus park and asked bus drivers plying the Kampala - Gulu route and and they all told me there is no Hass petrol station in Gulu. That means the station manager for Hass Banda was telling the truth and my wife was lying. My wife was transferred several times to Hass petrol station Kagoma, Hass petrol station Kawempe, Hass petrol station Mulago, Hass petrol station Bakuli and finally Hass Banda which was her last post. I went to all the previous branches she worked and talked to the attendants and they all said they have seen her since she was transferred. However one of the supervisor showed concern to my troubles told he saw her at the head office about a month back. I went to Hass Kawempe which was the only one i hadnt visited yet. I talked to the manager whose English wasnt so good. To my surprise he told my wife has been working there for 3 months now but she is currently on leave until 22nd October. He last talked to her a few days before Eid day and she was in Mbale. Now my wife is an orphan. She has never seen her dad and her mum abandoned her when she was just 5days old. No one knows whether they are still alive or dead. She was raised her mothers neighbors who took her as there own raised her as part of the family. Those kind neighbors are what she calls her parents now. They are both very old now and they stay in Mbale. When i called them i was told she hasnt been seen yet. I believe them because they are the tough no-nonsense kind of parents and it makes sense why my wife cant go to there coz i know she fears and respects them. Her foster father told she might be staying with friends because he called all known relatives in Mbale and non of them has seen her. I traveled to Mbale the next day without informing her parents, visited them and even went to Hass petrol station Mbale branch thinking maybe someone might know her but she was not there and they have never seen her before. I roamed Mbale town for 2 days hoping to bump on her but it was all in vein. Thats how far i have gone and i currently have no more leads. So i apparently have to wait until 22nd when she is supposed to resume work. One of the askari at Hass Kawempe who is my tribe mate told she comes to work on foot and leaves on foot which means she stays somewhere nearby. Lucky enough Kawempe police station is just a stone throw away from Hass petrol station and i move with my police reference wherever i go. So am hoping for the best now. Thank you all once again.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:20:11 +0000

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