I want to thank everyone who called about my boy ROCKS BLACK GEN. - TopicsExpress


I want to thank everyone who called about my boy ROCKS BLACK GEN. He will be going to a wonderful home. If you ever feel every instinct inside of you telling you that something calls for drastic measures to protect something or someone you truly love unconditionally, do not hesitate to take immediate action, no matter if some others want to call it drama. If they received phone calls calling them certain names, they should stop and consider, just exactly what it is that they have done. There are no safe auctions anywhere anymore. This has been confirmed, and I would walk through hell and back to save one of my babies. And that is just exactly what I did. And God walked with me every step of the way. It took me a whole five minutes to find out about that auction house. It swarms with killbuyers. They have found they can can get horses there for a little of nothing. Please rethink what you are doing. There no safe autions anymore. If you want to find the horses homes, do what I did. Take it to the public. They will come to your rescue. But you have to put it out there, not just on craigslist or on just friends and friends of friends. You have to send it to the public. And be prepared for several days of a lot of phone calls and ask for credentials. I am trying to help you learn to handle your business in the correct way. I hold no hard feelings. I do not think you knew. It pays to always check. They have a fantastic network out there. It works for you if you will only let it and have a little faith, only takes the faith of a mustard seed. Always remember that. I received over 100 calls and texts, and occasionally receiving about 3 or 4 a day. God does answer prays when said from the heart. Exspecially when you are at the shear brink of insanity and are pray with all your spirit and soul and out of fear for them and not yourself. My prayers were for my baby, not me.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 02:54:59 +0000

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