I want to welcome all of the “new” followers who have been - TopicsExpress


I want to welcome all of the “new” followers who have been directed from @srambled legs running A little history… I introduced the monthly challenges to our page in January. Slowly but surely it evolved into TEAM GYAITG Int’l…International because the team comprises of over 30 countries from throughout the world. This month’s challenge consists of a team of 237 members. How it works. I post a calendar for the day’s work at 10 pm central the night before…the reason being is we have several folks in Australia that participate and it ends up being around 9am their time. The calendar or photo contains the daily commitment of work that needs to be done. The team member looks at the post does the work and then comments “done” in the comment section of the post. I have a process that gather’s the “done’s” and I update a master Excel spreadsheet with the team member as being completed. Once I have the team assembled (members can join at ANYTIME throughout the month) I use the master spreadsheet to determine who has yet to complete their daily commitment. The next post is the “accountability” post. I post a “friendly reminder” listing all the TEAM members who have yet to complete their days commitment. I usually post this at 6:30 PM central. Once again, the team member can comment “done” on this post and once again I capture the information and update the spreadsheet to show they have completed their work. The last post of the day is the “Rock Star” listing. I post this at 10 pm central and contain a listing of all the people who have completed their daily commitment. Once again, the team member has the opportunity to comment “done” on this post. Once again, I capture this data into the MASTER spreadsheet. Yes, this is a lot of work….but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I intend to use the same format for the GYAITG Couch to 5K challenge…. I am getting loads of IM’s inquiring about the GYAITG Couch to 5K challenge…. This challenge will be just like any other GYAITG challenge I have hosted on our web site.. No costs… I will post a calendar or picture of a couch that will have the day’s commitment. You comment “done” you are in. I will post the “accountability” post for those who haven’t met their commitment I will post the “Rock Star” listing of those who have. Comment “done” to any of the above posts and you will be in. The primary differences are: It will be 9 weeks in length. I only will be posting the calendar on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday….the days we are working. It will start on August 13th. What I would like you to do is take pictures of your training….the area you are running through. Journal your thoughts and the “highs” and the “lows”. It’s not a requirement….just a suggestion. The “crème de la crème” will be the final run which will be on October 26th, or November 2nd….yet to be determined. Once again, pictures….pictures…pictures… I have visited a number of “running” FB pages and I am looking to experience the euphoria that ALL these pages talk about….I am willing to give it a chance… I have ZERO and I mean ZERO experience AT running distances… Will 9 weeks of focused effort convince me that “running” is the answer I am looking for… Maybe… But first and foremost…. “No challenge…No change”.. “Why would I want to join the GYAITG challenge….I can do this on my own?” Great question… There is something to this GYAITG team format. You have a group of people from throughout the world.. Joined hand in hand… Accomplishing great things together.. For 6 months we have sweated and toiled.. Gotten better together.. No religions.. No politics… No animosity… …just sweat and hard work focused on accomplishing that day’s commitment. “I am 5 pounds lighter” “I am 10 pounds lighter” “I am 30 pounds lighter”… Now “I ran a 5k with over 100 people throughout the world” ….and the accountability of the team GYAITG format… Having me dogging your @$$ adds a level of responsibility to the process… …the third dimension that we need time to time to keep us on track. I have a funny feeling this is going to turn into something “Huge”… Why not be a part of it? Make yourself proud.~GYAITG~
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 17:19:03 +0000

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