I want you all to know how very wonderful you have made this - TopicsExpress


I want you all to know how very wonderful you have made this birthday for me-I am astonished at how many truly caring people I have in my life, it was very unexpected and I feel so blessed and loved that I consider mere words inadequate to express it but words are all I have. And you- I have all of you, which has been an immeasurable joy today, and comfort beyond description during the past two weeks especially, while helping me cope with losing my father. I know some of you personally, having met you face to face, but so many of you that I communicate with on an almost daily basis and may never have the opportunity to look into your eyes-you are a huge part of my life also. You listen to my ranting and opinionated views on life and the human condition, you support me in my times of grief and turmoil, you celebrate my joys and victories and on many occasions help me find solutions to impossible problems by offering your own experiences or a different viewpoint I was unaware existed. We live in a harsh and unforgiving world at times, and I often puzzle about this alternate reality we call internet or social media- is it real, are we being narcissistic, do we(I) use it to avoid reality and delude ourselves into finding acceptance otherwise denied because of our personalities and behaviors? The simple truth is never really simple until you look at it carefully, and strip it of all pretense. The truth is that you are real, I am real, were all human with the desires and failings, emotions and beliefs, joys and pains that accompany being human. Of course there are always dishonest and deceitful people, but even through the internet they arent too difficult to identify, just like in real life. Im not the nicest person in the world, I tend to be outspoken and obnoxious more often than not, and in person Im not very impressive-looking anymore, I wont list all my faults-even I cant count that high, lol, but I have found that I have positive attributes that my personality doesnt interfere with overmuch while interacting on the internet as abrasively (autocorrect keeps trying to use the word abusively maybe thats a hint), and I wouldnt know that without the grace period granted by having to type rather than blurt out the first thing that comes to mind-not that I always take advantage of it, obviously :) -but the option to think before speaking is there, nonetheless. There have been numerous occasions when I have spent an evening or entire day helping or being helped by a total stranger Ive never met, so I consider this alternate reality very real, indeed. I wouldnt want to live my entire existence online, but I dont look at you as only Facebook friends, you are far to real for that, and impact my life and each others lives tremendously. Any doubts I had about such impact vanished July 7th, 2014, when a great number of patriots like myself were in Murrieta, CA, and faced the prospect of at minimum, arrest and physical violence, but more likely we would be shot by agencies of our own government (the gang assholes of La Raza and MS13 were the lesser danger, but scum are always a danger, our own government shouldnt be) and we fully expected to die that day while insisting that our laws apply equally to everyone. It never occurred to me that our posts of live videos taken by cellphone over the previous week and immediately uploaded, and our prep list which included ways to minimize the often deadly effects of pepper gas (I have asthma, pepper gas IS deadly if you cant breathe), writing your lawyers# in indelible ink on your arm, etc., would be seen and forwarded by the entire nation and inspire outrage BEFORE we became a footnote in history, and influence the government to change their plans. It wasnt a protest where people march around with placards in hope of gaining attention and possibly changing an unjust law-we had foiled the government twice by putting our bodies, our lives, on the line, demanding the law that applied to everyone be enforced. We were unarmed, nonviolent, but not backing down, period. The government intended to have their way regardless of the law, and said so, and all we hoped was to have our deaths make a difference if possible. Thanks to the hundreds of you, my friends, who reposted and shared mine and Willies posts and videos, the government backed down and we didnt die that day-yeah, you guys are VERY real to me! And next time things might work out differently, but the simple fact, the simple truth, is that you arent just a bunch of faceless names, people who dont really care and are alleviating boredom, not making a difference-you cared, and you made a HUGE difference, and today Im celebrating my 48th birthday with you all. I thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes-after about forty messages this morning, I realized I could not possibly thank each of you individually, but I have read each and every one of your messages and I thank you with all my heart! Damn, NOW Im leaking at the eyes again-shit, Im going to have a drink, I got a present sitting in the freezer! Thank you again for this very special birthday youve shared with me-every one of you are a precious and important part of my life, and I love you all!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 05:50:58 +0000

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