I want you all to pay attention to this propaganda. THEY ARE - TopicsExpress


I want you all to pay attention to this propaganda. THEY ARE GETTING READY TO STAGE SOMETHING BIG! There has NOT been this much propaganda about the patriot movement, conspiracy theorists, etc. since OK city bombing. The attack, which Ciancia allegedly carried out using a semi-automatic 223-caliber AR-15, comes at a time when the Patriot movement has been growing by leaps and bounds, from some 149 groups in 2008 to 1,360 last year, according to counts by the Southern Poverty Law Center. That explosive growth seems to have been driven by the election of our first black president and the approaching loss of a white majority in the U.S. that he represents. Another driver is the crash of the economy, which coincided neatly with the rise to national power of President Obama. splcenter.org/get-informed/news/splc-exclusive-alleged-lax-shooter-referenced-antigovernment-manifesto - private usnews.nbcnews/_news/2013/11/02/21286208-lax-suspect-had-patriot-movement-propaganda-on-him-expert-says - private - private It was not immediately clear why Ciancia wanted to lash out at the agency, but a leading organization that tracks U.S. hate groups and extremist organizations reported Saturday that the suspect may have been influenced by propaganda of the antigovernment “patriot” movement and fringe conspiracy theories. As reported Friday by NBC News, the suspect was carrying anti-government literature outlining an alleged conspiracy to create a single global government, possibly prepared by a group known as the New World Order, when he opened fire on workers with the Transportation Safety Administration, killing one and injuring several others. A source involved in the investigation said Ciancia carried a handwritten note, a manifesto in essence explaining the motive behind his assault. A blog post by Mark Potok, an expert on U.S. hate groups with the Southern Poverty Law Center, added new details about the “manifesto,” which he said included references to the Federal Reserve and “fiat currency.” Citing a knowledgeable source with ranking law enforcement contacts, Potok said Ciancia also had a note containing derogatory comments about former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. “Ciancia’s language and references seemed to put him squarely in the conspiracy-minded world of the antigovernment ‘Patriot’ movement,” Potok wrote. “The New World Order refers to a longstanding conspiracy theory that today, in its most popular iteration, claims that global elites are plotting to form a socialistic one-world government that would crush American freedoms. Often, the root of the alleged conspiracy is traced to the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve and the adoption of fiat currency — paper money that is not backed by gold, as it was once was in the U.S.” People associated with the patriot movement “see the DHS … as an enemy and even a collaborator in the New World Order conspiracy,” he added. The TSA is an agency of the DHS. The fact that NBC is even attempting to use conspiracy wiki for a definition of The New World, that Kissinger, HW Bush, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and many other infamous characters have admitted to being part of means this event will be used as a false flag, whether or not the gunman is connected with any false flag op. Theres even a little anti-christian and racism thrown in there for slanderous good measure. But reading the report, it says that the NWO appears to have prepared the material that he had on him. Freudian slip? Sources: Alleged LAX gunman had new world order conspiracy theory tract investigations.nbcnews/_news/2013/11/01/21279788-sources-alleged-lax-gunman-had-new-world-order-conspiracy-theory-tract?lite - private - private The man who allegedly killed a TSA worker and wounded three others at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday had anti-government literature in his possession outlining an alleged conspiracy to create a single global government, law enforcement sources tell NBC News. The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the material recovered from Paul Anthony Ciancia, 23, after the shootout at LAX appeared to have been prepared by a group called “New World Order.” One source said it also expressed animus toward racial minorities. There is no record of a radical group by that name and the term “New World Order” is often used by conspiracy-minded groups and individuals to describe an alleged secret plot to establish an autonomous world government that would replace sovereign nations and put an end to international power struggles. According to ConspiracyWiki, an Internet site devoted to conspiracy theories, the doctrine was primarily limited to militant anti–government and radical fundamentalist Christian groups until the early 1990s, but has since been embraced by some left-wing groups. Very interesting. At the end of the video and article they link a map of the hate groups of the country where they mix in groups like the Klan with militia groups. They are lumping so many people together. This is leading up to something folks. Eyes and ears open! kstp/news/stories/s3206162.shtml
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 05:37:58 +0000

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