I want you share a part of me... So yes I was married.. No I wasnt - TopicsExpress


I want you share a part of me... So yes I was married.. No I wasnt the best wife why?? Because I was trying to do it Chante Monique way and not Gods way.. But dont get it twisted my husband was far from doing it the Godly way as well We BOTH had areas of growth.. It wasnt until God removed him that I took a look at me!! Lord what do I need to change??? How do I need to grow.. And Jesus whispered and showed me how to be the wife he wanted me to be.. At this point hearts had been hardened. Forgiveness was not an option.. I wanted my marriage to work and my husband had already threw in the towel. I prayed fasted prayed and asked God to renew my marriage. Lord I know you can raise things and people from the dead, you did it for Martha when you raised Lazarus.. I know you can do it for me, if its in your will. My husband came back and I thanked God for his return. Continued to pray for guidance, to hold my tongue, to help me be submissive and respectful.. But guess what.. My husband still wasnt pleased with my efforts. He still decided to look elsewhere for affection on our anniversary date of all days.. On our one year anniversary he was making plans to be with another woman.. What did I do?? I filed for a divorce.. I pushed my way thru.. I cried many nights, was angry, hurt and heartbroken but I was still on assignment.. God said Im not done. I still had work to do.. An old friend was about to get evicted, had nowhere to go. So I allowed her to move in with me, we didnt have the best history as a matter of fact she talked about me like a dog at one point in life. When she was on her high horse with hundreds of thousands and I was down and out she was nowhere to be found. But God told me to allow her to move in with me. God really has a sense of humor. Needless to say I was obedient. Then my husband returns now he wants his family back. Now he wants to make it work.. God spoke to me and said if you can allow her to come live here you can let your husband come back. I was hesitant at first... But again I was obedient. Boy did I hear it from outsiders.. My husband was back OK God now what?? I was the respectful, compassionate, thoughtful, attentive, praying wife. It lasted 9 days then my husband looked at me and said Im not in love with you anymore. Im leaving you... My response was THANK YOU!! THANK YOU FOR FINALLY ADMITTING THAT YOU CANT BE THE MAN GOD INTENDED FOR ME!!! No arguing, no fussing, no fighting, I gave him a hug on the way out the door.. God is not the author of confusion.. Hes peaceful!! That was GOD!!! HE USED MY HUSBAND TO PREPARE ME FOR GREATER!!!! He showed me how Im NOT to be treated and how Im to treat my husband.. He was my learning lesson... Yes Im SINGLE.. and love it.. I have friends... What human being doesnt???Im not obligated to nobody but God myself and my children. Im waiting on God to show up and show out!!!!! Just wanted to share a glimpse into my life and how God may put us on an assignment.. We may not understand at the time... Its preparation for our PROMOTION!!!! #goodnight #sharethisstatus #mylifeyourentertainment #GodgetstheGlory #ipostwhatiwant #mytestimony #imnosaint #lifegoeson #lessonlearned #growing #youjudgingornah #screenshotthis #runtellthat #ibendidontbreak
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:03:40 +0000

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