I wanted to ask a question to anyone reading this .. You know by - TopicsExpress


I wanted to ask a question to anyone reading this .. You know by now i have a political opinion ... OK here is the question , has anyone read that Diane Feinstein wants to sell off a lot of Post Offices , before we jump to step 2 of the question you really should know . The post Offices she wants to sell Are VERY OLD in fact they are Historic sites , they have been post offices for the most part since Colonial days ,. So we can safely assume that senator or representative Feinstein has a Group of investors swimming in High Dollars . Not that i am saying a planned sell off because someone said Wow I could make some Condos and Millions off those ...But regardless she wants to sell them off (Republican By the way so you know) Here is where it gets Interesting , Her Husband will Broker the sale ... Cozy aint it . Here comes the part that Pisses me off more than Conflict Of Interest by appearances . But it is under the Guise that thew postal service is near bankrupt , broke not making a dime , Employees have had Pay cuts because the Postal service is Money poor .. OK we have a scenario right?? And Now , The Rest of The Story ( as a great commentator used to say Paul Harvey) An Advertisement the Postal Service was Running for a couple of weeks then suddenly stopped Funny enough to say 3 days after I posed a question , the same one I am posting again. You are aware the Government has Readers out and about Looking for information that could put a bump in the road.. Here is one for you The Advertisement I watched was when a spokesperson stated factually that the United States Postal Service has Successfully delivered OVER 15,000,000,000 Pieces of mail That is 15 BILLION pieces of mail. now comes the math . Even if all the mail was First Class envelopes at $.49 thats close enough to a half a buck per one Ounce letter now 15 billion divided by 2 = $7.5 Billion Dollars that is figuring everything is a one Ounce envelope .. are you thinking yet? lets use more interesting numbers If you have dealt with buying things from e-Bay you see postages of all sizes and shapes , a hard drive from Scottsdale AZ 85258 to Quincy MA 02169 on a 2 day delivery is $10.00 thats one example , a meat slicer $14.00 from California to MA again . 5 to 7 days so lets take a more realistic approach to mail 15 Billion pieces at say $3.00 or even $6.00 each including all mails , and I believe the pricing is extremely conservative , take 6 X 15 thats $60 BILLION DOLLARS per Year successfully delivering 15 BILLION PIECES OF MAIL ,. Conservatively adding it up , makes $60,000,000,000.00 that is a whole lot of money.I contend for many years to keep from taxing the people Dick Cheney used his ventriloquists dummy with his hand firmly Up G Dubyas Butt to make sure the Ultra wealthy keep getting the Greed Feed and more . AND INCLUDE IN THAT APPOINTING 5 SUPREME COURT JUSTICES TO BY A NARROW MARGIN MAKE CORPORATE RULINGS TO FILL CORPORATE POCKETS . I contend that Congress is Skimming the cash profits from the USPS the exact same way they have been re-Directing the social Security payroll deductions monthly , thus showing a shortfall of cash in the Social Security Funds especially after Dick Cheney TOOK $3.8 TRILLION Dollars to build and start up The Department of Homeland Security , now remember the amount taken should have been recovered by now to the Near $7.3 trillion that was in Social Security BEFORE CHENEY ROBBED US , Then MUTT ROMNEY started calling us The Takers removing Money from the pockets of congress so we can sit on our lazy asses and keep taking . You know the way congress collects a paycheck for not working , not passing any legislation because Obama got elected , remember? and MUTT ROMNEY was hollering that social security cannot sustain so WE THE PEOPLE WOULD HAVE TO SACRIFICE A PART OF OUR TAKING. that pissed me off by the way because congress gave themselves a retirement unheard of a full paycheck for life that includes any and all Congressional annual or every 2 year Raises , the COLA that is tabulated differently than the social security COLA (they get considerably more) so IF social security runs out of money Congress has a forever paycheck for losing an election they get paid as though they are still stealing from a congressional seat , THEY ARE ELIGIBLE TO COLLECT SOCIAL SECURITY AS WELL AS THE OUTLANDISH RETIREMENT , THEY ALSO WROTE A LITTLE GOODY OF A LINE IN AS WELL , THEY WILL COLLECT BECAUSE THEY REMOVED THE SOCIAL SECURITY CAP , MEANING IF THEY MAKE OVER A CERTAIN AMOUNT THEY MAKE TOO MUCH AND ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BECAUSE THEIR INCOME IS TOO HIGH , THAT LINE THEY REMOVED EVEN IF THEY EARNED (BAH HA HA HA HA) A BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR THEY STILL COLLECT SOCIAL SECURITY, WHY EXACTLY ARE WE ALLOWING THESE ULTRA WEALTHY , MILLIONAIRES AND THE LIKE TO RUN OUR COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND , PANDER TO THEIR OWN DESIRES RATHER THAN EARN A PAYCHECK , SINCE WHEN DID THEY BECOME ABOVE THE LAW? SINCE WHEN CAN THEY COMMIT US TO WARS USING LIES AND PANDERING TO ARMS MANUFACTURERS OIL COMPANIES AND EVERYONE ELSE WITH THEIR HANDS OUT , WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THEM TO REARRANGE VOTING PRECINCTS CHANGE VOTING LAWS TO STOP PEOPLE FROM VOTING? WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THEM TO GIVE THEMSELVES UNEARNED RAISES AND THE REASONS THEY GIVE THEMSELVES RAISES IS GAS PRICES , COMMUTING ,NEEDING TO BUY A NEW HOME FOR $750,000 OR $1.5 MILLION DOLLARS SO THEY DO NOT HAVE TO COMMUTE, NEVER HAVE I HEARD OF A CONGRESS PERSON UNDERGO AN ANNUAL REVIEW PERFORMANCE = RAISE OR PAY CUT. SEE WHAT I MEAN? WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THESE PARASITES TO TAKE FROM US EVERY DIME WE THE PEOPLE HAVE SET ASIDE BECAUSE THEY ARE BEING PRESSURED BY THEIR PIMPS TO NOT RAISE THE BUSH TAXES THAT SHOULD HAVE EXPIRED 4 YEARS AGO. HOW CAN WE PAY A GROUP OF NON PRODUCTIVE ARGUMENTATIVE SPOILED ROTTEN CHILDREN , THAT NOW HAVE BUILT 1100 PRISONS FOR THOSE OF US WHO TELL THE CONGRESS NO YOU WILL NOT , START A WAR . TAKE A RAISE IN PAY YOU DID NOT EARN , YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE TO LIE TO US UNCHALLENGED , YOU WILL NOT THREATEN THE POPULATION OF A DEMOCRACY WITH YOUR PETTY GREED , THESE ARE THE BELIEFS THIS COUNTRY WAS STARTED FOR, AN ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNMENT , A GOVERNMENT THAT WILL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS , INSTEAD OF LAME LYING EXCUSES OIF WE ARE TO BUSY TO WORRY ABOUT THIS PETTY GARBAGE WE WROTE PASSED AND IT FAILED , IT WILL WORK ITSELF OUT , NO IT WILL NOT BECAUSE IT WAS WRITTEN TO PANDER TO THE FEW. IS IT TIME TO FORCE THE LARGEST GROUP OF TERRORISTS IN THE U.S.A. TO BECOME RESPONSIBLE AND DO THE RIGHT THING, LIKE GET OUT OF POLITICS OR BE JAILED , INSIDER TRADING HAS DONE AN UNIMAGINABLE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE TO OUR COUNTRY ITS TIME TO FIX THE PROBLEM NOT THROW MONEY AT IT
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:33:00 +0000

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