I wanted to catch you all up a little on Fishers most recent - TopicsExpress


I wanted to catch you all up a little on Fishers most recent doctors appointments... After Fishers last appointment with the neurologist, she recommended that we see an ophthalmologist. She was concerned that his eyes were not moving all the way from side to side. Because the eye are controlled by a muscle, this can be a problem associated with muscular dystrophy. We got in to see an ophthalmologist in San Antonio that we liked a lot. She came to the conclusion that Fisher is near sided (cant see far distances well), he has astigmatism (refractive error causing some blurred vision), and he has cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye). The near sided-ness and the astigmatism are likely not related to Fisher’s muscular dystrophy. This is just the way his eyes were formed. We have a follow up in a few months. If the astigmatism has gotten worse, we may have to do glasses now. If not, she does not see a need for glasses until he gets a little older. The cataracts are probably due to the muscular dystrophy. Cataracts are common for the elderly, but not common in children. So, she thinks they are related. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do about the cataracts. If they get worse, we may talk about some options then. We also had an appointment with a pediatric ENT. This was Fisher’s first visit with this doctor and he was wonderful. Fisher has had some problems in passing his hearing tests since birth. He passed his very first hearing test, then failed a few since then, so we’re following up with an ENT periodically. Andrew and I are not too concerned about his hearing, because he seems to understand and mimic sounds very well. Yet, we don’t know if his hearing is at 100%. We also need to follow up with an ENT because of his frequent ear infections. At this visit with the ENT, Fisher did not pass his hearing test. Although, it is very difficult to get an accurate reading on a child his age. Fisher is also much more interested in people than he is with toys making noises on the walls. The ENT found that one ear tube that he had inserted in January has fallen out. He recommended that we replace it this fall or winter. Andrew and I are not sure that we want to go forward with that yet. The ear tubes have helped him tremendously, but he would have to go under anesthesia to have the tube replaced. This is a very minor, simple procedure for any other healthy child. Yet, it is very complicated and risky to put a child with muscular dystrophy under anesthesia. We have a follow up with the ENT in a couple weeks to discuss this further. I just wanted to give you all a bit of information about our recent visits. I have some exciting news to share with you later this week! Love to all of you!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:50:30 +0000

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