I wanted to give an early gift to Jesus, since it’s the true - TopicsExpress


I wanted to give an early gift to Jesus, since it’s the true reason for the season. So I told him I would write about how I felt and what I have learned about him. And then post it on fb for all my family and friends to read. It is long so get relaxed and find a comfortable position because its from my heart. And only two quotes from the bible because I wanted to get that part right. So here goes. If you seek him you will find him. God is who I’m talking about. The more I seek him the more I Love him. The more I walk like Jesus the more I feel at peace with myself. My love for my family grows deeper as well. I mean isn’t that what it’s all about? Love, I say yes. If we just stop for one minute and look at God and all that he has created, the world, the universe and everything in it, it was ALL done through his Love. You have to get right with yourself, before you can get right with God. Ok for those of you that still have a hard time with what I just said and maybe you don’t believe, I ask you then what is wrong with doing the right things in life? We all love someone in our lives, whether it’s God, our spouse, parents and our children; oh and yes, even our pets! If God stands for love and we love by our nature, I ask again what’s wrong with finding out more about God. If the bible teaches us about love, faith, hope, honor, and doing the right things in life, I say again what’s wrong with doing the right things in life. I believe the bible is a tool to help us get on the right path to God There surely is a lot more teachings in the bible than what I have touched on above. I am not trying to quote passages from the bible, (yet) I’m just writing what’s in my heart and how I feel about God. I was raised in a good Catholic family; sure, I did not always agree or honor my parents. I was corrected with a paddle, slapped in the mouth (when I said a dirty word) I can also remember eating Ivory soap, (Funny I still use Ivory soap today to wash with) or got my ear pulled (maybe that’s why I have big ears now) but what my parents taught me was respect, honor, and above ALL, Love. I’m sure many of you reading this of my generation can relate. Today I call myself a Christian, and I applaud my children for following Christ in their faith, believing in god and raising their children to believe in god and Jesus Christ. It really doesn’t matter what religion you follow, the bottom line here is that you believe in God, and that you also believe that God sent his only son, Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross and take away our sin’s so that we can all have everlasting life with him in haven. So you ask yourself, what happened? With the world, why is there so much Greed, violence, hatred, lust and crime. I say we have lost our way and for some, have fallen off the path, remember it’s a narrow path and sometimes it’s had to follow. It didn’t just happen to us, read the Old Testament, you will see that it happened to god’s chosen people as well, when they did not want to live in god’s ways (praising, loving, helping and giving). but remember god sent Peter, one of his prophets to the gentiles (us) because god said that the gentiles believed in him more so than his chosen ones, thus came the new testament to give us the chance to follow god and have everlasting life. We have become a society of “it’s all about me, me, me, and me” and if you don’t get out of my way there will be hell to pay! Trust me when I say this, I have seen it for the past 14 years driving a big truck out here on the roadway. You don’t know how many times when I got into someone’s way; I was told I was number one, as they were passing me just to get off on the next exit. I say to myself, “what’s your hurry don’t you know Wal-Mart’s open 24 hours now” or maybe they’re in a hurry to meet their maker. I also remember a time in church, in Cheyenne Wyoming, my pastor said in a sermon, everyone love’s coming to church and hearing the word of God, but as soon as church was over, you better watch out not to get hit by a car because we are in such a hurry with our lives now that we have to go, go, go!!! I also must applaud a TRUE Muslim religion, here is a religion that must pray every day, five times a day (now that’s faith) they believe in much as we do. In what little I know about the faith. But they too have some that have fallen off the path we call them radicals. The radicals have changed or misinterpreted the Quran to the way they want to live by killing other’s who don’t believe like they do. I could say the same about atheism, which they don’t believe in god but in Darwinism. That way it gives them an excuse to do the wrong things in life and it gives them a way to relate to the wrong that they may be doing. Let just say, that an atheist is trying to justify, what they’re doing wrong. We need to learn to slow down, what’s the hurry? I can remember a simpler life, once upon a time, when it was just about family and God; I say life was much simpler than. Of those who believe in God, I say we need to start practicing what we preach, we can’t just say well I go to church so I’m saved; no we have to walk like Jesus did. We need to bring the holy one back into our lives. You may be saying, “Why should I believe” he took my loved one or ones away from me they were too young, or it was too early for them to go. This I know all too well, losing my mother when I was 18, my father when I was 29 and my brother when he was only 45. I can answer this in only one way. God is love and he has a plan for all of us. With all the hurt and losses in my 54 years I still believe by faith in God. We have to be strong in our faith, besides a true believer in God knows they will see their loved ones again, Amen. Maybe you say I have gotten a lot of things wrong and that’s not the way it is or that I have been misguided, but I say to you I am speaking from my heart. I’m trying to express in my own words what I have learned in my walk with Christ. We have all been given choices in life and I choose to believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ the savior, and the Holy Spirit, who lives within us. (If you choose to believe) I know this, the more I seek him, the more I believe and the more peaceful I feel with myself. So if you’re still with me at this point, I say to you if you want to learn more about god (God says in the bible you should talk and pray to him by yourself and in a quiet place), but if you want to learn more of God, and how to get on the right path you have to find a good church, with a good pastor, priest, rabbi, minister (hope I didn’t leave anyone out) that will teach you the word of god. For me it’s not always easy to get to church out here on the road. But since I have a lot of time on my hands while driving, I get my inspiration from XM radio called the message which plays Christian music, with those who don’t have XM radio just tune your radio to K-love (same music) the family channel on XM radio where I get to here different religious speakers preach the word of god. I also received for Christmas last year a gift from my wife. She got me the entire bible on CD, Called (NLT) New Living Testament, they teach you the bible in ways that you better understand, no more these, thaws and so forth. I have been through the 61 CD set twice now. Why chance it? I say to you one more time, what’s wrong with doing what you know is the right things to do in life even if you don’t believe like I do. But I say to you what would be better, Everlasting life, or weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. In closing I would like to give you 2 quotes from the bible. These I had to look up. The first is in John 3:3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” The second Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And for the teachers of English, “sorry” English was not one of my best subjects in school. https://youtube/watch?v=GXI0B4iMLuU
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:54:37 +0000

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