I wanted to repost this because part of me is thinking about my - TopicsExpress


I wanted to repost this because part of me is thinking about my transient friends tonight . Wherever you are, I wish you the Merriest Christmas you can have . .......... All the birds gathered around, but for one who stood back about six feet from the others as they gathered up crumbs the woman was tossing. Why does that lone bird not gather with the others the young man asked the woman. That is a good question young man. What do you think the reason is? Perhaps it is not hungry . Why else would it not dine on the feast you toss upon the ground? Perhaps. Perhaps he is putting others before himself the woman responded with a smile. But why? the young man asked if he does not eat,surely he will die before winter draws near Perhaps. But wait and watch and learn the woman said. The young man watched as the lone bird stood back as the flock gathered near the old woman,scrambling and fighting amongst themselves. There will be nothing left for the lone bird. Why does he not just join them ? the young man asked. Because said the woman that bird has something you may not have..patience The birds slowly dispersed until the lone bird remained. It flew closer to the bench and pecked about the ground. Those birds the woman said ate like pigs at a trough. They filled their bellies so quickly. Watch this bird. Have you ever heard the meek shall inherit the earth No. I am sorry old woman. I have not Then said the woman you have plenty to learn and this earth has bounties to offer The young man looked about, looking at the old woman once in awhile. Yes she said Is there something you want to ask The young man hesitated then asked is this where you sleep?--i mean--if you had a home ,why would you take all this with you? He asked,pointing at the bags around her shoulders and the cart at the end of the bench. If you had a home,why would you take all this with you? I once had a house and it was home. Now this is my home the woman said opening her arms wide. So you sleep outside ! On a hard bench ? the young man asked Sometimes I do. Sometimes I dont. Sometimes I sleep at a shelter but sometimes I will sleep out here. There is always someome worse off than ourself Then said the young man old woman. You are like that solitary bird. You put others before yourself. Others needs before your own Is not that bird fine now? His belly is full --and you know what ? He will likely be herecagain tommorrow doing the same thing. I manage to eat too,young man. I eat to live. I do not live to eat. If I cannot eat it all at breakfast, I will save it for dinner Sit down young man she said ,pointing beside her. I wont bite. I only have six teeth . She laughed loudly and her eyes sparkled even more. The young man smiled and sat beside her. Ive seen you here almost everyday sitting on this bench. I dont know why,today of all days I stopped to talk he said Sometimes it is best to question your answer to the question than to wonder why she said do you understand ? Maybe I do he replied. You do or you dont. You either think or you dont think . There is no maybe think the woman replied . Maybe I should answer why I stopped here ; rather than questioning myself. Fact is,I am here now. I am sure the reason will come to me See over there the woman said,pointing across the stone path to the pond. I doresponded the young man. My husband and I came here every nice weekend and we would paddle a rowboat to the little island and have a picnic lunch. We could rent a rowboat for a dollar a day. One hour of wages for him but it was well worth it Is that why you come here so often? Oh no. I come here to feed the birds. My husband is here and here she said, touching a finger to her head and heart. we had 54 years together. How many marriages last that long nowadays? Not many he replied. Walk with me awhile,will you ?the woman asked. I want to show you something The old woman rose from the bench and the young man helped her. Could you bring my cart ? I will carry my bags The young man hesitated and looked about. Are you embarrassed someone will see you? Well..it is a grannny cart he said So. You are telling me that you are embarrassed by helping someone out. Are you embarrassed of what your friends may think if they were to see you? The young man hesitated. It is not that I am embarassed really. It is just.. the way you look. Your hair is matted. Your clothes are tattered and...and look at your shoes. They are not a matching pair Are any two leaves on this tree identical the woman asked. So. You are judging me on my looks. Come along. I want to show you something. If pulling my cart bothers you so; I can pull it myself.. or you can carry this bag she said ,handing him the souvenir of Las Vegas bag adorned with sequins as she laughed. I think the cart will be fine he replied ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is this place? the young man asked looking at a yellow stone building. This is A Helping Hand. It is a shelter and soup kitchen This is where you eat ? I do at times but I work here as a volunteer as well. Follow me in. I will show you around The young man followed the old woman up the stairs and in through the double doors. Plenty of people greeted the old woman in the hallway with greetings and hugs. I come here three days a week ,setting up the tables and doing dishes,then I eat How many people eat here? the man asked A Helping Hand has two sittings. One at one oclock and another at four--about 250 to 300 in a day That many ? asked the man Yes. There are the working poor who come here to eat. Poor does bot always mean homeless And how many sleep here? asked the man with genuine concern There are 40 cots the old woman replied but there is room for 60 This is the kitchen said the woman and this is where I must leave you. I have work to do. Maybe we will see each other again soon I am sure we will said the young man, leaving the cart with the old woman. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next time the two saw each other it was a drizzly day. The young man approached the bench and sat beside the old woman. She had her head covered with a mock rain cap made from a plastic bread bag. The old woman shifted. I didnt expect to see you in the rain today here. Take my umbrella he said. No said the woman we will share the umbrella I have been meaning to ask you old woman. What do you keep in that small bag around your waist? The woman untied the bag from her waist and untied the black velvet rope and held it to the young mans face. Smell it she requested The young man did as he was asked. Is that lavender? Yesreplied the old woman and rose petals and cloves dipping her fingers into the bag and bringing some of the mixture out. She rubbed some on the mans arm. That smells very good he replied. The old woman pulled off her makeshift rain cap off and grabbed a hairbrush from the sequined bag. She brushed her hair,getting caught in the tangles. here. Hold the umbrella asked the young man and hand me your hair brush The man shifted on the bench and brushed the womans hair,holding it at her scalp , as not to pull her hair. Why are you brushing my hair? asked the woman as turned slightly to look at the man Maybe it is best not to question the question he replied You are learning young man. Sometimes it is best to take things as they come, rather than to question why. I love the morning sun and the evening stars. I dont need to know what they are...just that they are. To know all the answers to what surrounds us can take out the mystery and magic of it The young man continued brushing her hair until there was not one tangle. The brush passed through her hair without effort. The woman ran her fingers through her hair and announced maybe today I will go without my hat Maybe today old woman; it is my turn to give you a tour. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- They came to the end of a curved path in the park where the food truck was parked. There were two round tables covered in yellow checked fabric on either side of the truck. Lunch is on me old woman. Order what you want. What one wants is not what one needs. I want for very little said the woman What would you like to eat the man asked maybe just a hot dog A hot dog it is then. Take a seat and I will get the food The woman took a seat at the table ; opened the bag around her waist and ran some of the lavender medley through her hair. The young man stood at the food truck,reading the menu board and returning later with food. I am sorry it took awhile. It got busy and I got caught up in talking to the vendor. I hope you like root beer He set the tray down on the table. I got you some french fries too he added Mercy ! said the woman I cannot eat all this! Well old woman. What you cannot eat now...save for dinner The young man was certainly learning he wise ways of the old woman. The two of them sat there sharing life stories in between bites of hot dogs, sips of soda and crispy fries. When the woman was no longer hungry, she gathered up her remaining french fries in a handkerchief and placed them in her sequined bag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late fall and the leaves were changing colour. The man and old woman saw each other at least twice a week. The old woman had managed to get the young man to volunteer at the shelter. There was no hesitation on the young mans part; for he had learned so much from the old woman. There is no shame in helping others; for one day it may be himself who needs a hand up. One day in late November, the young man waited as the woman came towatds her, bags on both shoulders and pulling the cart behind her...but approaching him much faster than her norm. Mercy of mercies ! She said loudly. A Helping Hand has more beds. Someone gave 20 beds ! I dont know who or how Once again old woman--just be happy. Rather than question who or why. Someone obviously is looking out for you and the shelter. In that,be happy the man said to the woman who was now holding the young man with tears in her eyes. There will be twenty less on the streets, and what timing. Winter is about to settle in. I feel it in these old bones Maybe said the man one of those beds will have you in it No young man. I will not take the bed of another who needs it more. There are families who need it more than I Old woman, you are wise but you are just as stubborn. The two walked to the shelter and the old woman showed the young man the cots. A man stopped the old woman in the hall. There is more great news ! he shouted as though he were on a mountaintop. we have a truck to serve hot soup and sandwiches to people on the streets. The food vendor in the park sold his truck. Someone bought it and gave it to us The old woman was overwhelmed, almost falling over with so much emotion. The young man held her close, giving her a kiss on top of her head, tasting of lavender and cloves. Up until the second week of January the old woman and young man would meet. There were also times that the young man would drive the food truck and the old woman would serve hot soup, filled in styrofoam bowls and hand them out but only after a please and thank you. No one is so hungry as not to say please and thank you she told the young man if one has little manners in life,they get little from life on that note old woman I say thank you for being such a wise and caring friend you,young man are welcome ..and thank you The old woman kissed his cheek and touseled his hair , then said now get back to work . A huge smile on her face showing the six teeth in her mouth. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The third week of January was bitterly cold. The young man went to the shelter expecting and hoping the old woman had spent the night in the shelter. She had not. Running from the shelter he ran to the park, hearing the sirens of an ambulance. He ran faster. By the time he had arrived at the park,the sirens had stopped but the lughts atop the ambulance were still flashing as the rear doors slammed shut. The bench was empty. what is going on here sir he asked a man. Nothing to be concerned about. Just another homeless bum Just another homeless bum !? That person was my friend. The young man walked toward the bench and sat where the old woman had. There, beside him frozen to the bench was the red and blue dotted bag. He opened it and inhaled. You were a great and wise person and a great friend, though I never got your name old woman.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 02:25:59 +0000

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