I wanted to run this a bit earlier in the week due to the fact - TopicsExpress


I wanted to run this a bit earlier in the week due to the fact that it involves things that I observed within and around the Pennsylvania Primary, but what I am writing is going to be timely no matter where we are within any election cycle. On and around Tuesday, I was invited to try to change things within the Republican and Democrat party by members of each respective party, and I have been explaining to them, and to everyone else, why this will never happen. I have tried to explain to people that I am the Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania, but in many cases, people simply look at me blankly. Stating that I am the chairman of a third party is meaningless to most because it has always been Republican vs Democrat, and that is just the way it is. Unfortunately, the way it is / status quo simply does not work for me. In fact, I doubt that it works for a vast majority of people, yet most of that vast majority cannot see what I saw on Tuesday, or else they would be doing what I and many others have already done, abandon the major parties. What I observed: Republicans and Democrats demanding absolute party loyalty of those running for office. So much so, that: a. One party actually slandered a candidate (who made no bones about wanting to change the party) Stating that people should not vote for him because he has a tax lien on his house. (Except he does not own a house much less have a tax lien against him or any of his assets) b. Putting out a flyer with the names of those who were loyal to the party while putting a large font “NOT ENDORSED” over where his name (along with other candidates who represented change to the party) would be, and a big X over his number on the ballot. c. The other party actually brought in a candidate from Washington D.C. in order to run against a woman who grew up in Bucks County. Like the other candidate, there was no dirt in her past to exploit, but instead of just inventing dirt, her party put its resources behind an alternative candidate who has never been to the congressional district until the primary run. Where am I with regard to all of this? Outside. I am angry about the fact that politicians put their own self-interest, or the interest of their respective parties ahead of the interests of those they are supposed to represent. I represent a certain set of values, and I represent predictability for those I would be representing should I be elected. The philosophical “Your life your way provided you do not interfere with anyone else living his/her life his/her way” is the guiding principle The concept that people are the better judges over how to run their lives, how to spend their money, how to help their children be competitive in the job market. These are issues that are continually put in the hands of government, despite the fact that government has failed the people it was created to help, each and every time it has attempted to do something. The only way that we can change this universal problem is to break the power of the major parties, and the only way this can happen is by people turning their backs on the parties in favor of fixing the problems. We have all been conditioned to believe that government is necessary to solve these problems, but the reality is that only “WE THE PEOPLE” have this power. My solution is to remove this power from government and place it back where it belongs, and that is in the hands of the people. Sincerely, Steve Scheetz
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 19:07:29 +0000

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