I wanted to share Tylers amazing story with everyone. Powerful - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share Tylers amazing story with everyone. Powerful words... Tyler ONeil Please Share: Hi my name is Tyler O’Neil. I am 19 years old. As some of you may know and some of you may not, I was in the hospital for a little under 4 months. I was scared to tell people why I was in the hospital till now. I was diagnosed with major depression disorder, I tried to kill my self once before going into the hospital and once while I was in the hospital. Now I’m going to explain to you guys why I’m telling you this. Every 30 seconds someone on this earth takes their own life. This is not because they are “cowards” or because they can’t handle being on this earth, but because depression takes over your mind. You turn into a totally different person. I don’t expect anyone that doesn’t suffer from depression or any other Mental Illness to understand. Can’t control your mind? Sounds crazy right? But the only thing you wanna do is run from your own mind. You don’t know who you’ve become. You become scared of yourself. You don’t sleep or eat. You don’t think straight. You forget how to put your own clothes on. This is when you know its serious. You get scared to be alone because if you get the chance you will look at that rope or those pills and think freedom. Freedom from the pain of your own mind. If you don’t understand, heres how I put it ; It’s like someone setting you on fire and then giving you a gun. If no one is around to put you out, then you are going to choose to end the pain with the gun. That’s like being alone with depression. So if you are thinking about suicide or have depression don’t hide it, get help! NOTHING IS WORTH ENDING YOUR LIFE OVER. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. There are many of us out there, we are just blending in because yes we too are normal people. The main goal of this post is to get suicide awareness out there. It’s a huge thing that is overlooked on a everyday basis. To many lives that could be saved are being loss. Everyone with a mental illness can be helped! DON’T BE SCARED TO TELL SOMEONE. I’m going to leave you guys with one of my favorite quotes “Don’t treat a temporary problem, with a permanent solution”. Remember “You’re living the dream!” “You’re still breathing”-T.O. I know I may be judged by this post! But that doesn’t matter. It could get one person to speak up and save their own life! THINK ABOUT OTHERS AND PLEASE SHARE THIS SO WE CAN GET THE AWARENESS OUT!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:27:58 +0000

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