I wanted to share a game that Ive recently found. Its not a - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share a game that Ive recently found. Its not a beautiful game by any means. Its a simple flash game. But what you notice more than its simple graphics is the deep meaning behind this game. The game is called Loved by Alexander Ocias. Loved starts out by asking if you are a man or a woman? I of course answered woman and was immediately shot down by the text that popped up. It said, No, you are a boy. and continued to address me as a boy for the duration of the game. I began to play the level and at the first obstacle it told me to throw myself onto the barbs. Crazy right? I jumped over the spikes and was berated. I got in trouble for not listening to this persons crazy request! I didnt want to get in trouble so the next time it asked me to do something, I listened. I touched the statue. Now, I was a good boy. The whole game continued like this I was either shot down or praised. During this game I got called disgusting, worthless, pathetic and so much more. This game was made to raise awareness about abusive relationships. That yes, emotional abuse is real. You can be in an abusive relationship without getting physically abused. This game has such a deep meaning because throughout the game you feel yourself wanting to please this person even though you know you shouldnt. It guilts you into what it wants. This person begs you to stay with promises of love. This game wont make you feel good. Its not about that. But it so meaningful. If you would like to play, you can play it here:alexanderocias/loved.php Sorry for such a long post, but I think this is worth sharing.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 19:40:52 +0000

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