I wanted to share a response I left with local media. I also what - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share a response I left with local media. I also what to stress these are my thoughts as I cant speak on behalf of the entire council. Not that my comments were blocked, but I felt it was worth sharing with those who may not visit that particular media format. Always remind folks you love them, you never know! Fellow members of the community, two young men lost their lives doing something probably over 95% of us lack the manhood to do and that was to put their own lives at risk to save others. I will even throw myself into that category as Im not sure I could have the courage to rush into a blaze/smoke filled environment or be willing to take a bullet. What I will say is this, the men and women who protect us and save our loved ones face challenges none of us could ever imagine having to do or would even be willingly to do as such. The young men who left us too soon doing the profession of their choice in love for us should be respected and their families should have our full support in this time of tragedy. I personally did not know either of these men, but I have personally looked into the eyes of those brave men and women from several departments near and far. I know the passion is there in all I have crossed paths with and I also know they never receive the thanks for what they do on a day to day basis which we take for granted. I ask all who make the decision to leave remarks here after to be courteous, be respectful, if in a position to help the families please do so. I also ask you to say thank you if you pass any emergency response personnel as you never know when it could be your life they save. I wont elaborate on any jokes or name calling of the property owner at this point I have seen posted. Those who choose to go that path for whatever the reason, I simply ask of you to glance in the mirror. Actually a long stare. Not to question your comments, but just to be thankful you are here because we do have brave men and women who make it possible to even have a glance in respective mirror. RIP gentleman, thank you for your service, thoughts, prayers, and without question love and support for the families! For those still actively protecting our community and the community of others, thank you! Most will never know your names or the sacrifice from you or your families, but I feel safe again with saying on the behalf of all....Thank You, Much Love and S.M.I.L.E.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:40:29 +0000

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