I wanted to share a story (all in a nutshell) with you all about - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share a story (all in a nutshell) with you all about someone that is dear to my hear- my mom. Rewinding to July of this year, she was rushed to the hospital due to the poor habits she had developed over the last 30 or so years. The poor habits of eating unhealthy, over eating, hadnt exercise (due to surgery after survey- AND due to the lack of motivation) all progressed to being another patient that had high blood pressure, diabetic, high cholesterol, and such other things that I had failed to keep up with. For a simpler visual- she was losing years and started to make her death bed. Now fast forwarding to September 8th, she woke up at 5 am and was ready to start her life changing experience and begin a journey that she never imagine possible for a lady like her- introduction to 21 DF and Skakeo. Day after day, and week after week, she pushed herself- literally. (I failed to mention that BOTH of her knees are bad- one having a sis that is logged in between her knee bones). Well aside from the huffs, puffs, aches, pain, and soreness, she stayed committed to finished her first cycle on September 28th. Since then she has committed to another cycle and has the mentality of being unstoppable! Once again, fast forwarding to yesterday evening, she called me and said Mijo I just got out of the doctors..... and if you guessed it- I was nervous. There was not once good news, just more medication prescribed and more lectures from her doctor that consisted of ...you need to start taking care of yourself... and everything else you can imagine. BUT THAT WAS NOT THE CASE YESTERDAY. She said she had news for me and was about to start sharing with me- but I stopped her, I said get home and I want to hear all about it then. (mind you- Im the type of person that wants face to face talk- ESPECIALLY this type of talk.) So when she got home, she sat at the table with a little smirk, shoulders pushed back, chin held high- her pride was just SHIMMERING through her posture- and said I am no longer prescribed insulin anymore! Its not on my records anymore Mijo. Anthochi [her doctors name] took it off my prescribed medication... This has been the BEST NEWS I have received you guys for ever it seems like- certainly from my moms doctor! Something that she never believe- NEVER BELIEVED- that was possible! So she went on and shared all the amazing news with me and how impressed her doctor and their team was from looking at this new mom of mine and glimpsing back to her records of the past. I remember my mom telling me they asked, Sally, what are you doing? Just amazed from her weight lost and her health results. She was idolized from not only the staff, but the doctor herself (all who are inspired by her and want to do something with their own lives now). I share this with you all today because this was a woman who did not think this was possible. This was her why for her first cycle (to get off of insulin), and has said that each cycle in the near future and future is a dedication to becoming a healthier and happier her! Best believe that she has goals to accomplish and like she said, Oh- there is not way Im leaving this world without a fight! :):):) If you or anyone you know that is interested or needs help starting off you health and fitness journey dont hesitate to MESSAGE me! No counting calories, no starving yourself, and no spending countless hours at the gym! I believe its possible for anyone to bring their imaginations to reality!:)
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:03:52 +0000

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