I wanted to share these pictures with you, so that you could see - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share these pictures with you, so that you could see what we are talking about. In the first one, you can see Darrien, and the black sheath coming up next to his left arm and then away from his body. It appears there is a break then another black line. But there isnt. This is a zoomed in picture of a 72 DPI image, which basically means it is low resolution. So it pixelates, the closer you get. I have included a cropped copy of the original. Not zoomed. Facebook is known to compress images, so there might be some loss of detail from that, but hopefully you can see what I can see. The sheath is sticking up, and goes all teh way to the top of the right line, almost equal to Darriens eyes, with no break. The white down at the bottom, just above the police car, is his hand. Just minutes before this, we have a picture of him with the sheathed sword in one hand and his iPhone in the other. He is smiling, not worried, shoulders down, possibly with earbuds still in. The woman who took this picture looked down to put her car in gear. Seconds later she heard shots. She looked up to see Darrien running away. The clock in her car gives us a time frame. Shortly after 9:47 a.m., on September 10, 2014, Darrien Hunt was shot and killed, with two officers firing somewhere around an estimated 22-23 shots at him (five shots to the back, one in the wrist that was most likely in the back, but might possibly have been the first shot fired). Innocent bystanders vehicles received numerous bullet holes, including a vehicles that had its windshield destroyed, a truck that had four bullet holes in it, and more. Darrien was threatening no one. His katana, which was not a real samurai sword by any stretch of the word, remained sheathed the entire time he was walking, until sometime after his confrontation with these two officers. Only three people know what happened after that, and one of them is dead. Two of them were sent home with pay and not interviewed for more than a week after the shooting. His family, however, was taken into the police station and interrogated ruthlessly, all the while knowing that Darrien was dead. This is why we are fighting this case. Not because we believe all police officers are bad. We dont. But we know that Darrien didnt deserve this. He was innocent. He was shot and killed for no reason, other than he stood out. Why did he stand out? Look at him. This is a city of white people. He is black. Yes, he had a katana. Yes, he is very striking. But he was not aggressive. He was peaceful. He was listening to music. He was smiling. And after they shot him? He ran and then crawled 350 feet away, and died behind a fast food restaurant. While they were hunting him down, like an animal. It wasnt necessary. He was already gone. He was 22 years old. He was Susan Hunts child. Her baby. Her son. It could have been your child. Your son. It could be Mia Loves child. Her son. She has turned her back on this, like she turns her back on all the misdoings in this city. But it could be her son next. Driving an expensive car in Washington, D.C. Does she know what happens to boys who look black in big cities like D.C.? Especially boys who look black driving expensive cars? Will you turn your back then, Mia? And that is why I say, this has to stop. Because this boy did not deserve this. And if he didnt deserve it, whats to stop them from doing it to your child next. Or your neighbors child? When are you going to stand up and say stop? Darrien Hunt Memorial
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 22:38:02 +0000

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