I wanted to share this because I really like how she worded this - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share this because I really like how she worded this (From an Eat to Perform article): For others to comment negatively on a woman’s physique is wrong, and happens all too often to all of us. For any man to say to me, “I don’t like my women with that much muscle.” I will reassure your insecurities—that will NEVER be an issue. To have the kind of muscle I have as a woman comes from a place of security and strength of my own character; a place of self-love. That place has no tolerance for comments from weak minded individuals. For women to attack me, or others, who have bulk that we worked very hard for—remember, your perception of bulk is your reality, not ours. When you comment like this, not only are you reassuring this mistaken idea that we should be training for looks, or to please others, but you you are also holding us up to YOUR perception. If you think about it, if we reversed the roles and I commented to an overweight person I thought they were “too overweight for a woman” wouldn’t I get more negativity thrown at me? It’s wrong to say such things. How come those who tell me I am “too big for a woman” do not receive this same kind of scolding. A Games athlete’s “bulk” comes from her rigorous training for strength, speed, and endurance. The bulk I have as a competitive powerlifter and strongman comes from training events, and deadlifting over 400 lbs. The bulk sprinters have comes from honing their quickness. The reality is, we are all individuals. We all have our reasons for why we train. We all have our own perception of how we want to look; there is no 1 right way. For those of us who are training and getting “bulky,” we are very proud of that muscle mass we have built. We are very proud of that strength we have developed, and we do not need others from a place of insecurity reassuring other insecure women that “you won’t get bulky lifting heavy weights” because it all depends on personal goals as to what that even means.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 15:14:20 +0000

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