I wanted to share this, specifically for my junior Sailors out - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share this, specifically for my junior Sailors out there. Those of you who were my students, who were constantly frustrated at how much I nagged you about your hair, whether it was the color or the style, I have a couple of thoughts on this article below. First, whats REALLY important to you? What are your priorities? At some point, each of us has to decide what hill is really worth dying for, because not everything is the battle for Iwo Jima. Did this petty officer make a stand? Sure. Is wanting to wear your hair the way you want to wear it really worth losing your career over? Thats an individual question for each person to consider, but I personally enjoy getting paid on the 1st and 15th. Second, as Ive always told my young ladies, generally speaking if your hair catches my attention, theres probably something wrong with it. I know the hair regulations for women are vague and frustrating, but at the end of the day we are charged with presenting a professional military appearance, we have to be able to wear our headgear and all associated safety equipment. If your chain of command tells you that your hair is wrong, MOST of the time, theyre right. Third, while we are all unique, individual human beings, one of the most important traits for success in this organization is the ability to conform to the group norms and standards. We do not get to pick & choose which policies we like, which regulations or orders well follow. Thats simply not how the Navy works. This is how unit cohesion and good order & discipline deteriorate - the first time someone decides theyre not going to follow an instruction and is allowed to disobey, wheres the incentive for them to follow any other orders? We all come from different backgrounds & upbringings & have different morals based on how we were raised, but the key to successful mission accomplishment in the Navy is the decision to conform to the Navys rules & regulations. This organization values the strength of unity and teamwork, and that starts to fray when someone values their individuality more than the strength of their team. Tried hard not to make this a soapbox rant, but you are all good Sailors who bring value to this organization. Id hate to see any of you get derailed for something you can control. This all boils down to personal responsibility - yes, you have the free will to make your own decisions, but you and you alone will be held responsible for those choices. Choose wisely.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:09:10 +0000

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