I wanted to share what was posted on the Memorial Page for Ozzi.. - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share what was posted on the Memorial Page for Ozzi.. It was written by an old soul Sue Weber who is a worldly and wise woman. Sue Weber 4 hrs. Another day and Ozzi is still in my heart and on my mind. Her name is known around the world now and many people feel pain from her loss. For me, and Im sure many others there are times when the pain is unbearable and I dont think I can stand it. These are the times when I become more motivated to keep up the fight for justice for our sweet girl. I say our because Ozzi has become everyones child now. I know we are all anxiously awaiting the conclusion to this case but as Ive mentioned before the wheels of justice move slowly. We must be patient and not become frustrated with the waiting. Some of you want details about what actually happened to Ozzi but the details are not available as they have not been made public and will not be until this case has been decided. To have Asem and Wafaa have to talk about it would be extreme cruelty. They do not need to continuously be made to relive the horrific details of the crime. Again patience is necessary. I know its because you all care so very much about Ozzi and at the appropriate time and by the appropriate authority the details may be released. As for what the punishment for the three offenders will be there really is nothing that can be said at this point because no one knows what the outcome will be. To try to second guess the result is taking time away from what we all are trying to accomplish together. Our goal is twofold. First, we want what Ozzi, Asem. Wafaa and all of us deserve, justice. There must be appropriate punishment for this dreadful crime. Secondly, we are working to have new laws passed that will really make a difference in what the penalties for animal abuse and murder will be and just as importantly to make sure there is enforcement of these laws. It is a long road but if we can keep Ozzi and all the other animal victims of human abuse first and foremost in our minds we will win the fight for what is right and just for all animals. You are all good people or you wouldnt be on this page and many of you have posted such beautiful and touching tributes to this very special little grey girl whom we have all come to love so much. Lets all make a pact to keep working together with love in our hears and compassion in our sous for all creatures and each other. Only as a united front will we win Justice for Ozzie. Blessed Be
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:29:26 +0000

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