I wanted to share with you all my story on how my learning to be - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share with you all my story on how my learning to be patient and learning to let my Kupuna guide me to respect my Kuleana. on the night of The Halau Mohala Ilima fund raiser Show ( it was wonderful BTW) we had all moved outside to see the performers/Dancers and I was with those that I had sat with for the show.. after greeting everyone and sharing aloha Kimo and I said our goodbye and started to leave. On our way out... I heard my name called and I turned to my left that there was Keone Nunes, standing there with Kelii. I walked over to him and honi .. He than said so when you getting your tattoo? I responded Oh!! I think Im ready so he said give me a call this week or contact me with your Number on Facebook lets talk.. I said OK.. so I waited a few days.. and contacted him. I mentioned in our Conversation I didnt have my genealogy and that I needed to get it done.. so he told me at that time .. See what you can get and that he would be in Guam and hed call me when he returned .. 2 weeks later Papaku no Kameha ikana has of all things Class on Genealogy.. what a coincidence ( Na kupuna at work) so I learned how to get my genealogy done. but having just lost my adopted Brother and being told He had the Genealogy but it died with him.. I felt I had a Responsibility to get my families done and My Kupuna had lit my path for me.. so I took that seriously and learned how to do it and GOT it done.. I used this time to go everyday to the Library, State Archives office and the Mormon Achieves (Open Tuesdays and Thursdays) this brought my Cousin Roxy in to play, Finally MY Dad gets on the phone to answer my Kahea for Help he was able to give me a few names. While there at the Mormon Achieves office I met a few Aunties that spend a lot of time there doing Genealogy and they had Years of experience... seeing me there often.. one of the Aunties asked me .. Babe who is your family when I mentioned Kekumu she said >> Oh ask her .. another aunty that knows the family genealogy.. so she tells me look for a list of names.. she even wrote those names all down.. I shared this with many of you during my process..( again Kupuna at work).. So by the next Meeting at Papaku I had these names but hadnt finished my genealogy yet.. mean while all kinds of things are happening around me and People start coming into my life just out of the blue..mostly Family.. from the Kalili side and the Kekumu side.. BY the time Keone calls me when he returns from his trip.. he sets up a meeting on a Saturday at Hale Ola.. On that Saturday.. I was so busy and so tired.. that I couldnt make it out to Hale Ola.. a friend of me text-ed me while I was having Lunch and stated Tee you better get out to Hale Ola (she is added to this Conversation). I said Id try.. I never made it out there.. So I text-ed Keone to explain why I didnt make it out there.. 2 weeks later I get a Call from Keone asking if I could come down to talk on a Specific day.. I said Yes.. I knew I needed to be there.. and I went .. I invited one person to Join me, she invited her daughter to join us.. asking my permission first of course.. BUT knowing I missed the last meeting .. Nothing was going to stop me from going to this one or make me late hahahha .. Long story short I got there in more than enough time for my meeting.. with Full excitement .. I was able to Hand to Keone My Genealogy that took me back to the time Our family name was given By Kamehameha himself but because of Keones experience in this work he does, he saw 3 names and introduced me right there in the room to a Cousin of mine who came from the same Bloodline as mine. We are Spiritual People I was told many of time , By My dad, by my aunties , By the auntie at the Mormon achieves and Now By Keone Nunes. one of the People that joined me there.. had plans to get her Kakau too.. so she came to ask Keone some question regarding her kakau .. when she was finished Keone asked me if I had any Question feel free to call him, and when I hugged him he stated you can bring as many people as you want , bring positive people with you. I said OK he than said Ill call you So I waited patiently for about 2 weeks .. just so happens Kimo and I attended a Hoaka session ( Kimo wanted to go, I had already went a few days before that) while on the beach with Kahu Kais wife Leihulu talking about the story of my genealogy.. Kimo was in the water with Kahu.. but right at the time all this is taking place.. I am getting on my phone ( that’s turned off ) a message from Keone.. ( na kupuna at it again) so one the way back up to the beach.. I turn on my phone. and Bang I see a message from Keone with the time and date for my Kakau ..... there were a few People I shared my journey with ( emotional) because so much was just being Handed to me.. and I had never experienced that before.. but you knew instinctively it was Magical.. and I had no control over any of it what so ever.. I just saw it as Kuleana and was respectful of the Gift being handed to me .. many of you in this conversation I shared with .. because I was so amazed and so thankful and So happy, so excited .. but mostly grateful.. from the meetings , to the genealogy, to even the cash needed .. everything came at the right time in the right moment with the right People..I share this story because it is VERY special and its Very Hawaiian .. My Kupuna spoke loudly.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:15:22 +0000

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