I wanted to take a minute and share with what just happened as I - TopicsExpress


I wanted to take a minute and share with what just happened as I went to the post office to mail out something. I went into the post office and had just finished handing in my mail when a young man walked in and loud as a bell ringing within my heart I heard two words CHURCH BUILDER nothing less and nothing more... I thought to myself wow thats great God, another servant about your business. So as I got out to my car and started to leave the parking lot I just felt this tender tugging that the Lord was not finished yet, that He would have something for me to say if only I would be patient and wait. So I waited by my car and the young man came out, I just walked over to him and our conversation went like this, ME: Brother I know you dont know me but the Spirit of the Lord has a word for you today, and if its ok with you I would like to share with you what I heard.... HIM: Yeah lets do it! (Smiling ear to ear) -We introduce ourselves and exchange names, and shake hands ME: As soon as I saw you the Spirit of the Lord quickened in my heart two words, CHURCH BUILDER.. I dont know if you have ever felt called into church planting or missions but the Lord wanted you to know that today. HIM: WOW That is wild! Well you know (Laughing) I actually am a part of a church plant here in Tulsa right now, and for the last 6 months I have been praying, because I feel like I am being called internationally to build churches. So this is just awesome! This is a word of confirmation to what I have been praying! ME: Praise God well lets pray! And so we did, we came together in agreement and I had the awesome honor to pray a blessing over him and his ministry... Friends, this is the Holy Spirit at work to build and advance Gods kingdom! What I want to express to you is that a word of knowledge, or a word of faith, or the gift of prophecy doesnt mean that I hear an audible voice speaking in my ear, I would call it more of an instant knowledge that is just dropped into my heart, sometimes its Loud meaning it grips my hearts attention and other times its just a gentle nudge... The same Spirit that speaks to me, is the same Spirit in you! If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He is raised from the dead then the power that brought Him back to life (THE HOLY SPIRIT) is living within you, desiring to flow THROUGH you, but we are to be listening friends, listening with our hearts for our Heavenly Father who is always desiring to speak to us, love on us, and use us right where we are at... As we finished up praying he said one thing to me that really truly blessed me, HIM: Thank you for being obedient, its encouraging to see Christians be obedient Food for thought my friends, what would happen if we opened ourselves up to the idea that daily the Lord has work for us to do... Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. LUKE 17:21
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 23:33:59 +0000

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