I wanted to touch on a subject that bothered me the other day... - TopicsExpress


I wanted to touch on a subject that bothered me the other day... Martial arts and belt levels...I had a friend of my son tell me that his sensei said my black belt wasnt real...lol... First let me clarify a few things to those who dont train... belts mean nothing when it comes to fighting ability and talent... a belt doesnt make you tough or a fighter.. I know white belts that will whip a black belts ass... Yes I am a black belt... No Im not a pure Bjj grappler.. No im not winning pan ams... but just because I was trained in a small school that doesnt have the gracie tree doesnt take away the value of my black belt. My black belt was awarded to me for years of hard work and dedication. I didnt get my black belt to say I was tough. I didnt get my black belt because I was Kimbo slice. I received my black belt for years of hard work. It drives me nuts when people talk about black belts like they walk on water or lighting fires from their asses in a fight. A black belt to me is simply like a college degree that you have earned in martial arts. My marital arts journey was about the friendships and life lessons I learned from the sport. Yes I am very competetive and actually like to train hard at the school, I personally like to fight when training and that feeling of being pushed to my limit. Martial arts to me isnt about if I can beat this guy up or did I train under this guy... its about a self journey and competing against myself. I have trained many years side by side with some bad dudes... Drew Hayes/ Umma Umaa Westville my sensei started it all for me and my training partner for years Kenny Stinson has helped me in so many areas... there is a list of guys I have trained with that would take forever.. Im a little older now and dont train or put in the time needed to keep up with the sport like I should but please dont think for one second that just because you train under a big school or whatever belt you may be that you are any better than others...If you train to be a tough guy your training is for all the wrong reasons...I can fight, I am confident when I fight but I also know that isnt what the sport is about.. Martial arts will humble you on every level and should humble you on a daily basis in your training.. I have watched great young fighters like Brian Collins move up the ranks and knowing the kid and training with guys like that is what inspires me now. He isnt a black belt yet but has more talent and ability than I ever did... so does that make my belt any less valuable? If you answer yes you are crazy and know nothing of the sport. I guess the people who have actually trained, fought, and put in blood , sweat and tears know where I am coming from. To all you guys sitting in your moms basement talking about what belt you are, whos school is the best... go check yourself and go really train for a bit and see if you keep that same mentality.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:27:36 +0000

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