I wanted to update all of my friends and family who may not have - TopicsExpress


I wanted to update all of my friends and family who may not have heard about my sister Jimi Lynn yet. Unfortunately her cancer has reared its ugly head again, and this time it isnt messing around. It has surfaced in her brain. Last Wednesday evening she suddenly couldnt speak correct words. In a very short time, she had two grand mal seizures and was taken to the hospital. She was unconscious for about 36 hours. After two CT scans they found 3 brain lesions, and two were bleeding. The doctors suspect with an MRI they would be able to confirm that there are many lesions within the brain. We are not doing an MRI. She did regain consciousness on Friday, however, at least one of the lesions has placed itself in the part of the brain that allows her speech and language and some small motor skills. She has been diagnosed with Global Aphasia. Basically equate that to someone who has been in a car accident with a massive head injury. Although they can speak, comprehension isnt always there, and the words may not be correct and sentence structure is jumbled. For instance, when i walked in on Friday night to see her, she smiled and said Dorothy. She knew who I was, but couldnt articulate it. As the night went on, she grabbed her ears and said horses. She wanted to know where her earrings were, as if you know her personally, she never takes out her diamond earrings. At this point, there is no beating cancer. It has won, and it has taken part of my sisters mind, and there is no doubt that it will take the rest in a short time as well as her body, although we have not been given any timeline, as it is up to the cancer and the Lord at this point. The decision has been made that she will go home to her house. I cannot thank my brother-in-law Mike Jaroch enough for doing this as he does understand the road he is about to go down. Jimi is so lucky to have 3 wonderful daughters that are completely ready to step in and do whatever is necessary to help with this undertaking, along with many other family members help as well. All measures possible will be taken to make her happy, comfortable and safe, but there will be no more life saving measures or chemo at this point. Please pray for all of us, for the strength to get through each day no matter what is thrown at us, for the patience and courage to help Jimi through this last battle, for the bravery to continue to face each day and put a smile on our faces and tell her how it is alright when all we want to do is scream and tell anyone that will listen how this is unfair and not right. Jimi Lynn...you are in every thought. I love you more than french fries...and that is really saying something as she would know :)
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:18:13 +0000

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