I wanted to wait until after the weekend to post anything in - TopicsExpress


I wanted to wait until after the weekend to post anything in regard to this past week. In my family, we grieve, we share with others, then we go away, get angry and spend the next little while in private patching up the (figurative and literal) holes weve punched in the wall. Roxannes last message to me on facebook was I got your back. It doesnt matter what the conversation was about. The last time I saw Phil, I was just walking the block on a break from work. He was reading, of course, and we had a quick chat, which is what we usually did; joke and gripe about patrons, ask about each others respective family, usually a dirty-ish joke and on my way. I had the pleasure of working closely with both of them at a short-lived recreational facility. Both shared the care, patience, and good humor they both naturally possessed to every child they attended to. I needed time to adequately say what I feel about these two friends. I believe, whether in the eyes of God or by the knowledge of Science, we are all CREATED equal, spiritually or atomically. Everyone, through random process or divine intervention, gets an equal chance to make this planet what they choose. However, some people are BETTER at certain things. Some people are better at math. Some people are better at hitting a baseball. Some people are better at doing this or that. Phil and Roxanne were of a different breed than most. Rarely in life... very, VERY rarely... youll get the chance to meet a person that is just BETTER at being a human being. Better at showing understanding, better at sympathy, better at creating instantaneously deep and lasting relationships. And it comes naturally, through no effort whatsoever. Those types of people...well, meeting one is rare. Meeting two, nearly impossible. Knowing and loving two of these types who worked at the same business, were in the same family, in the same town... I cant even attempt to quantify those odds. Again, some people are better at doing math. Long story short: They were the types of people that made you WANT to be BETTER. They were the standard by which I wish we all could be tempered: They gave more than they took, they created more than they consumed, they brought more into the world in their short time than most people in decades of life. There is a reason that both grief and laughter move us to tears... they are separated by a very thin line of presence and context. These two, my friends... I cried hard at their loss. However, I am happy and fortunate. They can only pass away once... but I can look back on countless times they made me laugh to the point of tears. Laugh so hard I had to catch my breath or leave the room. A laughter so loud, high pitched, and pathetic. A true, honest to goodness laugh... well, nobody looks cool in the midst of a deep laugh. Genuine laughter is humbling because, at its core, its the great equalizer. EVERYONE laughs. Thats what I am going to remember until I get to the end of my set. Laughter Makes us all equal. But, its a rare few that can make you feel special. Near impossible chance that you get to meet that many in your life. We were and are lucky enough that we had two occupying the same space at the same time. So unique and special, they defied the laws of physics. Roxanne and Phil. They were the best at being human.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:38:39 +0000

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