I wanted to write a new article but realized some of my articles - TopicsExpress


I wanted to write a new article but realized some of my articles are missing again so the page may come to an end soon. Its a shame! Best page around. Truest page around! I cant believe this. Several of my articles were deleted again so there is an underwater base thousands of years old by Florida operated by humanoid reptilians about 4-5 foot tall with slit eyes. You wonder why all the ships/planes went missing. They.... Its complicated but they all dont care.*** Dont believe that fake shape-shifting theory,either. That only happens when they give you potent drinks and/or brain frequency waves by special devices(small tubes/special light wavelengths) to make them look like someone else during abduction cases/sequences/testing/sampling... They all (all species) look at us like pieces of sh*t! Excuse my language, but not really! 9/10 cases are negative! > It makes you more comfortable during their research programs/hybrid upgrading space engineer programs.(keep their dying bloodlines alive by spreading them out to new planets) They are not walking around on earth and on tv with that hoaxed theory of the eye changing theory. Thats nonsense. All those people are human and are dead and/or are dying. They get old. They are not alien. We are human.(mankind aka Terra-earth: humanity) Scroll down to my alien abduction article. They dont shape-shift. If your in their spaceships or an underground facility then they put a parallel type/alternative reality image in your head that isnt real hence the shape-shifting theory. They are not on tv!!! Your listening to people who sell books for a livig thats disinformation most lily because of religion. I treat all religions the same. Thats why I would be the perfect person to make the earth balanced and to greet all alien races/no money hungry agencies. BS!. Thats why all those images carved in rock from ancient times have all those weird half animal/half whatever... It was to hide their true identity and their true agenda but its too late. Resources are gone. the new era of humans are slowly coming to an end hence all the government underground bunkers but that wont help when the air and all the animals are polluted with deadly fumes.(ZOMBIE MOVIES, HINT,HINT...ITS A TRICK) Maybe we will be the next mars.( a dead planet) Just another mining operation for minerals/ a pit stop. The earth is slowly coming to an end just like it did several times in the past. New seed/the golden age or simply a new era~ If my articles are disappearing and I had a few encounters with them then you know what Im talking about. i do not lie. I dont want to scare you. No conspiracy but its all adding up. We are up! It is a sad lie that doesnt help anyone. We arent even welcomed on the moon anymore.... Read past articles about that. Astronauts saying that they were warned not to interfere with our war-like spy satellites/nuclear pollution particles in space/aliens are shootings/laserings rockets on a daily basis... All classified! All countries! U.N. It interferes with their planets. Peace - Just got a message in my mind* True or not but most likely true/it just came to me - Dont debate~ Remember, all aliens lie, too but Im looking at the statistics and what I just said/received is completely true. Be safe~~~ Sidenote: Dont focus on the title of the video but the end of the video. old but still worth watching!!! Scroll down to my April 19th article and youll see that many astronauts and crewman seen many craft of all sizes in space watching their every move including et beings via possible joint relations. Old video but still worth watching again. Nothing new here but I wanted to let everyone know that you have to stop listening and believing sites/books that claim the exact names of all these extraterrestrial beings. It is not hard to understand that each galaxy is owned by a few races and each one has their own subspecies. Many match up and are true. Some are still under investigation but each star most likely has at least one planet/it may be dead like Mars for example. Earth may be next. It seems we made it out several times. (2029-205?) Many astronomers/possible insiders say 1 out of 3 will most likely hit but I dont do end of the world theories so that topic will never be on this page. The next asteroid or object may be the last. Dont be alarmed. Noahs Ark may come back. The Mayan may still be alive. It may be possible. haha~ I dont do that type of material but it just came to me. *Many dont even visit here hence some frequent flybys of huge size ships to never be seen again for many years. Travelling to galaxy to galaxy or planet system to planet system. No need to stop. Believe the abductees first and figure out the possible planet, in which, they claim to be from then go back and see if it makes sense. It seems that most visitations are within a few hundred light years away. All these names based on telepathic contact is mostly completely made up. Possible, yes! Very rare! Some make temporary bases deep in the mountains and lakes. Where are they? All over! They over power our atmosphere with a special parallel vortex technique via advanced quantum physics so its almost invisible to the human eye.The ground opens up or water like a jacket zipper to never be seen again depending on the race-families mission.(dna,study,hybrid program,etc.) They come and go. Anomalies and ufos above the sun for a gas station. Dont ask. Dont care. Let them be. 9/10 are fully explained!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:48:22 +0000

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