I was 16 when we started dating. He was 20. It was 6 months into - TopicsExpress


I was 16 when we started dating. He was 20. It was 6 months into our relationship the 1st time it happened. We were walking down the street talking when out of nowhere his hand went across my face. Apparently he didnt like what I had to say. It wasnt anything bad I was just talking about hanging out with my bff. It only got worse from there. It would happen outside in broad daylight in public. Other people would see and did nothing. No one else ever called the cops. Once we were eating dinner. Something set him off and I got stabbed in the leg with a fork. Another time he was upset about something and threw his plate at the wall. It shattered. He told me to clean it up so I was. He didnt think I was doing it fast enough so he took a big piece and threw it at me. It cut my stomach and I now have a small scar. My 18th birthday I was 5 1/2 months pregnant he accused me of cheating on him. I never did but in his mind I had. I thought he was going to kill me that night. He hit me anywhere he could. He broke beer bottles over my head. My friend Stephen (who was a bouncer at the time) lived down the hall and heard me screaming. Stephen knocked on the door. I answered and as soon as he saw Stephen he pushed passed him and took off running. His best friend stole his portable dvd player. Somehow it was my fault. I have a bald spot on the back of my head now from where he hit me in the head with a belt buckle. He also broke my full length mirror across my back while my head was bleeding. I stayed alot longer then I should have. Once I got out I stayed single for a while. I met this guy I thought was different. We moved in together. Everything was good for a while. He never hit me but when we would fight I would try to leave just to get some time to myself to calm down and think about things. He wouldnt let me. He would grab me and throw me down and hold me there. We lived next door to his parents. His dad was outside and we were arguing. I tried to leave and he grabbed me and threw me into the recliner so hard it broke. His dad busted in the door. He told him we were just playing around. I think he knew by the look on my face it was something else but he left. I will never be in that situation again. No one desevers that treatment by someone who says they love you. If they act that way they dont care about you. It doesnt matter what they say, if they really did they wouldnt do it. If it happens once it will happen again and it will only get worse. If you ever find yourself in that type of situation and need a way out please let me know. I dont care who you are or what i maybe doing at the time I will drop everything and come get you. I know in some situations there is only a small window where you can safely get away.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 12:56:24 +0000

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