I was a Christian for 20 years; until I caved in because I just - TopicsExpress


I was a Christian for 20 years; until I caved in because I just couldnt handle things I was going through. It was just too much for me to comprehend, in my personal life and what was happening in the local churches and the upholding of wrong doing, it made me angry and sick at the same time. No matter what anyone says, there are set rules in the Bible that we are given to follow..then you have those who say, everyone keeps reminding me of my Mistakes I dont know what to do. okay...lets take a look at the word mistake, taken from Dictionary mis·take [mi-steyk] Show IPA noun, verb, mis·took, mis·tak·en, mis·tak·ing. noun 1.an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc. 2.a misunderstanding or misconception. verb (used with object) 3.to regard or identify wrongly as something or someone else: I mistook him for the mayor. 4.to understand, interpret, or evaluate wrongly; misunderstand; misinterpret. verb (used without object) 5.to be in error. Okay...there a mistake is in simple, judgement in poor reasoning, misconception, misunderstanding...Okay if you read your Bible...you read not somebody read it for you...The Bible says that its easy enough for a child to understand...if so (and it is) then how can you misunderstand, make bad judgments? Easy...one time....Misinterpret or evaluate wrongly...Once again...if you read it for yourself...then it should not be easily misinterpreted, but you see this a lot in churches...hear people misquote..to be in error...we all have been...but wait...a mistake is to be learned from and not done over and over...right? So now look at something most people wont want to see. he word Intentional: thats right; after making a mistake over and over again, its no longer a mistake; it becomes, intentional....does the Bible not say that if you know to do good and dont do it (paraphrased) that it is sin unto you? in·ten·tion·al [in-ten-shuh-nl] Show IPA adjective 1.done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult. 2.of or pertaining to intention or purpose. 3.Metaphysics . a.pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational. b.pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object. c.pointing beyond itself, as consciousness or a sign. intentional (ɪnˈtɛnʃən ə l) — adj 1. performed by or expressing intention; deliberate 2. of or relating to intention or purpose 3. philosophy a. of or relating to the capacity of the mind to refer to different kinds Hmmm....is there any more explaining I need to do? Done on purpose, let me see...a representation of the mind...(comes a part of how you think) wow... okay one more.... com·pro·mise [kom-pruh-mahyz] Show IPA noun, verb, com·pro·mised, com·pro·mis·ing. noun 1.a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands. 2.the result of such a settlement. 3. verb (used with object) 5.to settle by a compromise. 6.to expose or make vulnerable to danger, suspicion, scandal, etc.; jeopardize: a military oversight that compromised the nations defenses. 7.Obsolete . a.to bind by bargain or agreement. b.to bring to terms. Isnt this were the world as we know it has come...In our homes, our Churches, our families...in the work place...Number 3 and 4 stands out to me... something intermediate between different things: The split-level is a compromise between a ranch house and a multistoried house. 4.an endangering, especially of reputation; exposure to danger, suspicion, etc.: a compromise of ones integrity. But the Bible says, Be not conformed to this world...but be ye transformed, by the renewing of your mind...Read your Bible...Stop taking mans word for anything....learn for yourself....the Holy Spirit will guide you in what you are suppose to do...No man needed....if you read and learn for yourself...you will have all you need to succeed...no drama, no false words, you will know the truth....NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!! Yes, we are all human...but just as we expect out children to do what is correct, so does our Heavenly Father...Time for the Truth and no more excuses.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:44:47 +0000

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